My PSA score is now well into the normal, healthy range:
I was somehow expecting something even lower, but I don't know why. According to the Kaiser test portal, anything below 4.5 is normal, so this is a very good result. I'm now down to only one cancer, for which I'll be getting a new treatment later today. That means a week+ in the hospital so they can keep an eye on me just in case I have a bad reaction. Huzzah.
Good luck with the Talquetamab!
All the best, KD.
Sure, here you use a log-scale!-)
Sending blessings!
Plenty going on around a hospital to keep you busy blogging for us, keep up the good work!
Good to hear! I hope the next treatment is successful.
If you really want another project, I have a theory that the majority of hospital procedures are designed for the hospital staff, not the patient. Some procedures may work for both (putting in an IV line is better than sticking you repeatedly, surely, but it's also convenient for the staff), some don't. Of course, trying to track that wouldn't make for a very pleasing stay.
It's nice to see some good news on that front!
Did you really not have your PSA checked for eight years?
Cancer is psychologically nonsensical for me. It has been mostly easier to deal with than I would have guessed, but certain aspects are truly anxiety-inducing.
Currently under surveillance for rectal cancer recurrence. The scans and blood tests don't bother me in themselves; it is reading the results that I have a problem with. Not so much the radiology as the bloodwork, since it is both (a) frequent, and (b) useless, other than as as indication that we should schedule extra scans. Also, it's prone to false positives and/or negatives.
I appreciate the Obama-era laws requiring full transparency of test results, which motivates my provider to post to my portal, usually immediately. I'm not checking my bloodwork, though, since only the radiology can confirm recurrence and dictate the next step should recurrence occur. If there's bad news, I'd prefer a phone call, thanks.
I applaud your fastidious tracking of all your markers. Congrats on returning to a total cancer count of 1. More news like this, please!
Very good news.
Excellent Kevin! This is happy news.
Oh happy Day! Hope all continues to go well!
May more good results follow soon
Excellent news, Kevin. 🙂
Take the win while you can.
That's great news on the PSA level. Good luck on the new treatment!