Melania Trump is hawking a $600 gold necklace these days while Donald is peddling a Trump commemorative coin—to go with his sneakers, his picture book, his NFT, his Bible, and pieces of the suit he was wearing during his debate with Joe Biden—to go with pieces of the suit he wore at his mug shot and pieces of the suit he wore at his indictment. Collect them all!
Serious question: Does anyone know why they do this? The Trumps may not be quite as rich as Donald claims, but he's still a billionaire and Melania shares in his wealth. None of this stuff amounts to more than a microscopic part of their net worth and surely doesn't raise their income more than a hair.
So what gives? Aside from the usual snark, does anyone have any idea?
Is it an accident that Trump coin looks like that one Hitler poster where the eyes are designed to follow you around?
Trump is not nearly as rich as he says he is.
Scammers gonna scam
When more than half your wealth is in djt stock (which he will never be able to turn into cash) you to would need to augment your cash flow. And he's probably worried about how much of his campaign funds he can actually steal.
Trump is not rich
He has debts all over the place - its entirely possible that he is the first negative billionaire
The only possible answer to this is also the snarky one: these are bad people who don't know how to do anything else but rip other people off. They don't read books, they don't listen to music, they just scheme.
He's cash poor. You can't pay for jet fuel with a golf course.
I honestly think this is a way for Trump to accept foreign donations from, ahem, his "pals" overseas. That's why he barely markets them and yet it sells out right away. "Here's some NFTs or something" to me is just clearly money laundering.
Put stuff up for sale, bots generate 10000 sales using various accounts and the FBI probably isn't going to look into where that money is coming from. besides! it's not a campaign donation! it's...buying...goods or something.