Via Atrios, I see that Donald Trump will be in Detroit tomorrow to talk to strik—
Wait. I'm getting an update:
- Trump will be in a suburb speaking at Drake Enterprises.
- Which is not an auto plant.
- It's a truck parts supplier.
- A non-union one.
- And the event is being organized by the anti-union Right To Work Foundation.
- Which makes sense, since Trump has said he prefers right-to-work laws because they allow workers not to pay union dues.
- So, basically, Trump will be talking to a crowd peppered with scabs and scab wannabes at a non-union shop sponsored by the RTW Foundation.
But other than that, Trump will be in Detroit to woo striking auto workers.
The Republican Workers Party
By F.H. Buckley
Foundation Professor, George Mason University, Scalia School of Law
The Republican Workers Party is the future of American presidential politics, says F.H. Buckley. It’s a socially conservative but economically middle-of-the-road party, offering a way back to the land of opportunity where our children will have it better than we did. That is the American Dream, and Donald Trump’s promise to restore it is what brought him to the White House.
All those 5-star reviews yet now at remainder-bin prices. Hmm.
tl;dr -- Republican Workers Party = "shovel white grievance/culture war shit at the rubes to keep them angry at Democrats while quietly letting their corporate masters loot everything they can and when it all collapses, blame it all on Democrats, immigrants, queer people, whomever. Wash, rinse, repeat."
Also, when he says your children will have it better, he's talking to corporate capitalists, not the workers. Obviously.
????????????????????Exactly right.
I read somewhere that the Scalia school of law flirted with its name being the Antonin Scalia School of Law, but feared the lifetime of abuse it would get from the acronym.
But of course, the media will "dutifly" report on his Man of the People "I love the unediczted" actions.
Major media is just writing fiction at this point, attempting to create a horse race.
Remember Chris Licht? His problem was not that he was trying to Foxify CNN, his problem was he was incompetent. His counterparts are doing just fine, spinning this alternate reality.
Zazlov isn't different than Murdoch, he's just less directly focused on installing authoritarians.
So these guys Trump is going to address 1. almost certainly don't make as much as they would if they were unionized, 2. have fewer benefits and less retirement, and 3. are SOL if the company decides to lay them off or offshore their jobs.
But, hey, they don't have to pay stupid union dues, so there's that!
Without bad faith….
Republicans would have no arguments at all ..
Where is the sponsorship of RTW Foundation noted? I've looked all over, but apart from you and a Twitter thread saying it, I'm not seeing any recognition of it. I mean, I don't doubt it, but it would be nice to see some corroboration.
Yet there was Franco Ordonez on NPR yesterday saying Trump was visiting union workers in Detroit. When is the MSM going to stop giving Trump a free ride?