Here in my little patch of Southern California there's been a noticeable recent uptick in mask wearing. But most of that uptick consists of people wearing their masks below their noses, which makes the mask entirely useless.
I wonder what's going on. Have people forgotten that masks have to be pulled up above their noses? Or do they know, but they just aren't doing it?
Has anyone else noticed this?
Yes, I see this all the time.
It looks obscene to me.
You know, there are very few places where masks are required (they are required at my work, I'm happy about that), so if you are wearing one, wear it right FFS.
Also it's 90% men who do this
Also middle school boys. "Diaper chinning" we call it.
I'm always amused at the people who pull their masks down whenever they have to speak to someone.
The person working the receptionist desk AT MY DOCTOR'S OFFICE has been unable to get it right for three years now.
Wingnuts pwning the libs.
They think they're clever.
Lot of Wingnuts are now pushing up daisies to own the Libs.
I don't know about that. I see masks not covering noses pretty often and I can assure you masks haven't been required to wear at all in Alabama in a long time, so I can't see conservatives being.the ones wearing.the masks Unfortunately I think some people really are just that dumb.
Anti-vaxxers who don't want to feel too stupid?
Had a patient pull his mask down to cough.
I saw a guy do this outside a month ago.
Black dudes do this. Nobody is wearing masks in Ohio except blacks......down under the nose.
Of course I agree, it's idiotic, but ... Much of the social benefit of masking is reducing the velocity of air coming out of your mouth when you talk.
Thus if you're talking to someone face to face, even if their mask is below their nose, you are effectively farther away from them. Yeah it's stupid, but it helps.
My secret pet theory-- a never-spoken part of mask resistance has been that tons of people can't stand what their breath smells like and can't get used to it.
Leaving noses uncovered lets them signal being virtuous and protective of others but without having to smell their breath.
I'm really not convinced masks do much in the real world after I caught COVID from someone in my office who wore a KN95 properly the entire time. Yes, I did take my mask off after awhile because my glasses kept fogging up. So, maybe if we had both worn our KN95s properly I would have been safe, but it points out to me basically how little masks help in the real world where probably 80% are either wearing their masks incorrectly (if at all) or they're using a crummy surgical mask that is loose. I suspect most people are just ignoring masks most of the time judging from what I see in a very blue area of a very blue state that is still rated at a moderate COVID risk level.
They don't do much good above your nose, either. Especially if you're vaccinated. I am astonished at the number of people still wearing these things, even outside with nobody around! That social conditioning really sticks.