Ladies and gentlemen, behold the modern conservative movement:
Ingraham: When Republicans get back into power, Apple and Disney have to understand one thing: Everything will be on the table, your copyright/trademark protection, your special status in certain states, and even your corporate structure itself…
— Acyn (@Acyn) April 2, 2022
This is the kind of revenge culture that Vladimir Putin would understand and approve of.¹ If a corporation does something conservatives disapprove of, they should expect a conservative president to use the full power of the US government to wage war on them. Your copyrights will be toast. The Justice Department's antitrust division will break you up. Any official levers that we can use to make your life miserable, we'll use them. You should understand that we will treat the government as simply an extension of our own personal rage.
Both parties support policies that have the potential to hurt certain categories of companies. Democrats favor labor unions, for example, which has the potential to hurt any company that hates the thought of being unionized. Republicans oppose abortion, which has the obvious potential to hurt any organization that supplies abortion services.
That's fine. But singling out a specific company for state sanctioned revenge because it said or did something your party opposes? That's banana republic stuff. It's also how many Republicans view politics these days.
¹Needless to say, Donald Trump also understands and approves of this. It's basically the guiding principle of his life.
Hey, it's a Banana Republic party. I imagine that BR is immune from Repugnant Resentment for that reason. If Trump looks good in 2024, buy GPS.
Who knew that 40 years after his term, Ronald Reagan's initials would again become the "hallmark" of the Greedy Old Party?
So....nit the Old Navy party then?
Perhaps one of those companies might be moved to purchase Fox News and fir Ingraham.
Well, Disney already bought nearly all of Fox ... except for the "news" part.
Disney wasn't allowed to buy FOX Network because they already own ABC. Otherwise, they prolly would have.
This is also where I point out that while the Trump FCC & FTC didn't allow Disney to include FOX Net in the Disney purchase of 20th Century, the Bush-43 regime saw no broadcast licensing problem with Paramount, owner of UPN, buying CBS while not divesting from UPN. Guess it helps that UPN only had Homeboyz in Outer Space to not protect while FOX had Hannity & Colmes.
How about Apple? They could make it a television arm of Apple News and Apple TV.
iNews! Fills that part of the mind that news would occupy, in a better and beautiful and deeply considered way, your way, helping you be more of who you are, freeing you to focus on what you want to do, in your own personal and unique style.
News that smells like your vagina that you can send around to all your friends! Because they love you!
What a goop that would be....
I mean, scoop.
That's an excellent suggestion!
Uh, just because a company hates the thought of being unionized doesn't necessarily mean that they'd be hurt by unionization. But OK.
Ingy needs a clean Depend .
I bet she & Dinesh were into scat.
I'd wager she has an iPhone and a MacBook.
KKKlay Travis still tweets from his Chinesse iPhone & has his OutKucktheKoverage apparel made in Red Chinesse People's Liberation Army sweatshops.
That's the problem of the boiling frog... it's too late when you become uncomfortable.
Believe what they, they're going to do it, not if but when they can.*
* The use of indeterminate pronouns was intended...
I fear very much you are right. Most of us have been living the tragedy of Cassandra since at least the 90's, if not the actual campaign of the original RR.[1]
[1] That was what my friends and I lived by, back in the day. But we were all gamers and fantasy/sf nuts. And young 🙁
... paint all Republicans with a broad brush....they deserve it, cause they earned it. On the other hand calling democratic and open attempts to serve citizens and protect works or adjust copyright for a more balanced position in a democracy many only appear to harm ether the corporation or the fact it might make life better for them & all folks involved. By making the issue a both sides do it... & not considering the gray area of action not motivated by any side other than fairness...leads us Where?
Republicans are not your fellow citizens, they are the enemy. I hope desatan and fox do all this to Disney. No one will stop them. We all need to learn this lesson so we are prepared.
When will democrats do this to fox? Cowards.
Republicans are the enemy? That kind of thinking is unhealthy, both for the Republic and yourself.
Well, the fact that Republicans for many years now have basically adopted the attitude that anyone who opposes their revanchist agenda is an enemy to be crushed is going to force the rest of us to regard them the same way, or wind up as tomato paste.
+1 bounty on Jim Wright issued by Newton Leroy Gingrich
Since that's what Republicans believe of, well, everybody else, turnabout's fair play. The difference is that Republicans believe that an all-out war of annhiliation is the only solution. Democrats ... not so much. We tend to be carrot-and-stick type of people. With emphasis on the carrot.
That's why people like you think that all-out-warfare is a safe option to pursue 😉
A conservative ideology is always welcome for discussion. A philosophy that one's beliefs trump all others is very bad.
It seems, right now, that Republicans will do anything to ensure their ideas become the final word.
Oh lucky us we have a new homophobic POS to ignore
Also, I disagree with Ms. Ingraham's statements. Disney's woke corporate messaging and attempts to indoctrinate young people with a leftist agenda should have consequences. But, the market needs to deal with Disney - not the government.
"woke" defined by you people as anyone who is not a racist piece of crap.
So, St. Peter's did lose in the Elite Eight because of the Black Lives Matter warmup shirts.
If their response to not liking Disney is to take their spending money elsewhere, they can do that. It's the using governmental levers at their control to punish companies for some unconnected behavior that's wrong.
they like disney just fine when disney is cutting them checks
So, no visits with Mickey for the grandkids, Frau Gerlich?
Isn't legislation singling out one particular party a "bill of attainder", which is forbidden by the Constitution of the United States? Not that the Republican Party's Supreme Court is likely to be picky about little things like that.
Josh Marshall labels the Republican Party as "revanchist", and he's right on. From the French for "revenge".
I can't wait until 2028, to hear what reason the Supreme Court comes up with for why the 22nd Amendment doesn't apply to Trump.
Mike Huckabee already told us: El Jefe Maximo was cheated out of his first term due to unrelenting Democrat attacks on his administration because of the fake Russia thing, so he still is owed two terms.
Laura Ingraham! How many Congressional votes does she have?
A shit ton.
She is a spokesperson for the people who bought the GOP (with Vlad's help). So, pay attention to what she says.
That's certainly what she wants you to believe.
That's also what her viewers want to believe.
Yeah, well, beliefs are like nose hairs; everybody's got 'em.
Actual votes in Congress is where legislation gets made. Ingraham has zero votes and controls zero votes.
No need to restate the obvious; I'm merely pointing out that what the viewers are being fed is a sense of (false) epowerment. Think of it as A Mighty Wind for the right, vocalizations that make the listener feel righteous but signify nothing.
Newt was doing this too
> Both parties support policies that have the potential to hurt certain categories of companies
And the examples Kevin gives are, for the Democrats "every" and for the Republicans "women's health care". Somehow those two categories seem not the same.
When Republicans target corporations like Disney, as when they complain about inflation and high gas prices, my standard response is: Why do you hate capitalism?
Srsly. What's more capitalistic than catering to people's tastes to make a bundle?
Somehow, as well, Glemm Greemwald doesn't see this as censoring anybody.
And we care what Greenwald says . . . why?
He was a leading pro-Iraq War voice of the Left in 2002-03, much like Kevin Drum.
Putin and thyroid cancer,
and also bathing in blood milked from the antlers of deer.
Don't follow the link. The website froze my computer for over two minutes when I tried to leave the page. Don't know what it's doing, but it pegged all four CPU's.
Does Putin know that Reindeer blood has to be Organic to be strong enough to kill cancer? I sure hope that he's getting the best!
What browser are you using? Works fine for me with Firefox.
Squashed fresh into a tub for him under the full moon on Midsummer's Eve!
This is not a new Republican policy. Nixon's men tried to get back at the Washington Post by encouraging competing bids for licensing the TV stations that the Post owned.
Also there was the whole "use the IRS to harass our enemies" business, but you knew that.
I 100% think this should be applied to Koch industries.
I had a friend some years back who was very conservative, and also gay. Very smart guy. So he was Libertarian, not Republican.
We had some nice conversations. He said once, when we observed certain antics like this, "The big difference between me and them is that I know when I'm beat."
And in a democracy, that's the big ask, isn't it?
You knew Wisconsin Congressman Steve Gunderson!?
This. Just performative nonsense to throw to rile up the crowd, nothing they have any actual plans of doing.
This is also one of the things conservatives accuse Democrats of (See: IRS "scandal") that Democrats always steer clear of. Every accusation...
You mean... they want to cancel Disney?
It's only cancelling when lefties do it. When righties do it it's "instilling party loyalty".
'Defending America'.
+1 order of Liberty Taters
Pingback: Republicans look forward to revenge | Later On
So, then any comments on Democrats' treatment of Chick-fil-a?
Do you have any specific instances, or are just going to throw mud out there and hope some sticks?
The latter. As usual.
On Thursday, San Antonio City Council approved a new agreement bringing new eateries and retail shops to the airport. But that 6-4 vote came only after District 1 Councilman Robert Treviño proposed an amendment to Ordinance 19-2246 excluding Chick-Fil-A from the list of several planned retailers and restaurants, according to a press release.
The release cites the company's reported opposition to the LGBTQ community.
"With this decision, the City Council reaffirmed the work our city has done to become a champion of equality and inclusion," the release states. "San Antonio is a city full of compassion, and we do not have room in our public facilities for a business with a legacy of anti-LGBTQ behavior."
On Thursday, San Antonio City Council approved a new agreement bringing new eateries and retail shops to the airport. But that 6-4 vote came only after District 1 Councilman Robert Treviño proposed an amendment to Ordinance 19-2246 excluding Chick-Fil-A from the list of several planned retailers and restaurants, according to a press release.
The release cites the company's reported opposition to the LGBTQ community.
"With this decision, the City Council reaffirmed the work our city has done to become a champion of equality and inclusion," the release states. "San Antonio is a city full of compassion, and we do not have room in our public facilities for a business with a legacy of anti-LGBTQ behavior."
Who can forget Rachel Maddow calling on Obama to steal Chick-fil-a's fried chicken recipe?
Shorter MF: "Hey Dems, let's get you to fall into explanatory mode so I can say I'm not convinced." What year does he think this that he thinks this sort of malarky is anything but weak sauce?
On Thursday, San Antonio City Council approved a new agreement bringing new eateries and retail shops to the airport. But that 6-4 vote came only after District 1 Councilman Robert Treviño proposed an amendment to Ordinance 19-2246 excluding Chick-Fil-A from the list of several planned retailers and restaurants, according to a press release.
The release cites the company's reported opposition to the LGBTQ community.
"With this decision, the City Council reaffirmed the work our city has done to become a champion of equality and inclusion," the release states. "San Antonio is a city full of compassion, and we do not have room in our public facilities for a business with a legacy of anti-LGBTQ behavior."
If a corporation does something conservatives disapprove of, they should expect a conservative president to use the full power of the US government to wage war on them. Your copyrights will be toast. The Justice Department's antitrust division will break you up. Any official levers that we can use to make your life miserable, we'll use them. You should understand that we will treat the government as simply an extension of our own personal rage.
And this is the essence of what Fascism is as governing philosophy. Unlike the Communists, who simply expropriate the wealth of a corporation for the state, the Fascists allow the corporation to exist, only so long as it does what the government wants it do or doesn't oppose the government. Then it takes action against it.
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No one can be in the slightest surprised that the trumptard party now oposes the 5th amendment.