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Is Jim Jordan on Trump’s list of VP candidates?

This is a little out of left field, but does anyone know why Jim Jordan is never mentioned as a possible running mate for Donald Trump? The guy is a total attack dog; he's super conservative; he's an election denier and overall Trump sycophant; he's a winner, election-wise; and he looks the part, something we know is important to Trump.

Now, he's also a white man, but so was Mike Pence. Trump doesn't seem to care much about traditional ticket diversity. There's also the longtime question hanging over Jordan of whether he ignored sexual abuse while he was an assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State, but hell, that might be a plus for Trump.

So why isn't he in the picture? What am I missing?

56 thoughts on “Is Jim Jordan on Trump’s list of VP candidates?

  1. stilesroasters

    I'm a terrible judge of these things, but I suspect Trump thinks Jim Jordan is a weirdo. I know he sort of thought the same about Pence, but I think there's a try-hard element that Trump doesn't like.

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    1. S1AMER

      I'm starting to lean toward expecting Burgum. For some time I've thought Trump might pick Tim, but now I'm thinking he might be more comfortable with another arrogant rich white man.

      1. different_name

        That's my bet, too.

        Burgum actually ran a successful business, which Don is attracted to. And he's a true believer with no self-respect. But the crucial value is he hasn't been in the spotlight long enough to admit to puppy killing, get in to fights with nonexistent cows or otherwise be caught without his human skin on.

        1. memyselfandi

          "which Don is attracted to." you;re delusional. There is no way Trump could tolerate being near someone who was actually successful.

    2. memyselfandi

      Burgum is an actual successful business man. There is no way he and Trump could exist in the same room.

      1. DaBunny

        Sure there is. He's fine to have powerful, successful people long as they are subordinate to him. Hell, he enjoys it!

        If he had to encounter Burgum where they were on the same level, he'd had it. But Burgum as subordinate, Trump in charge? He'd eat it up like a hamberder.

      1. kkseattle

        I came here to say that. Trump would never want anyone who rolls up his sleeves and drags down his tie in the West Wing.

  2. lower-case

    he's probably afraid jordan wouldn't take a bullet for donald trump

    pence came off as a total lap dog right up until he was faced with the possibility of spending time in an 'office space' federal prison

    pence's disloyalty and calculated self-interest left a mark, and trump's not keen on repeating that mistake

    1. politicalfootball

      I suspect Jordan is just smart enough to not be interested in the job.

      Trump is looking for two things: obsequiousness and invisibility. That makes Burgum a good choice, and Jordan less good. It also works for Scott, but he's Black and that's a problem. In addition to being women, Noem and Lake make an impression. Trump wants the entire spotlight to himself.

      I think this is a rare case where Josh Marshall is getting it wrong. We know what Trump wants in a VP because we've seen this movie before. Look how long it took Pence to take a position on the question of whether we should hang Mike Pence. And the only reason that he's not going to be Trump's VP pick again is that he ultimately came down on the wrong side.

      Heck, Pence could be doing it again if he'd been sufficiently wishy-washy about it. "Well, I am personally opposed to hanging Mike Pence, but the pro-lynchers do have a point, given my failure to support the president in a key moment. Perhaps we should leave it up to the states."

  3. KJK

    Gym Jordan is utterly repulsive, even for a low life ultra conservative MAGA moron. I think optically, someone like Tim Scott scares me the most, though the Biden campaign will have a field day on his abortion stance. Stefanik or Huckabee would help him, and would more than hold their own in a debate with Harris.

    Dog Killer Noem would have been a contender, but she "screwed the pooch". Trump voters would forgive killing migrants, or letting poor children go without food or healthcare (once there are out of the womb), but killing a dog may be unforgivable.

    1. KenSchulz

      Who would Stefanik or Huckabee Sanders attract to the ticket, who hasn't already drunk the Kool-Aid?
      For that matter, I don't think TFG would ever pick anyone to the ticket who wasn't already a dyed-in-the-wool MAGAt. There's little evidence that VP nominees make much difference; for TFG, the impact will be 0.

      1. KJK

        Generally agree that the VP adds little to the top of the ticket, but this is going to be another nauseatingly close race, whereby the margin of victory in many battleground states will be razor thin. While I despise both Huckabee and Stefanik, any VP that can possibly normalize the rapist sexual predator on the top of the ticket, like a woman who isn't totally bat shit crazy (like MTG) may move the needle just enough.

        Frankly I would vote for Dog Killer Kristi for dog catcher before I would vote for Trump for that position. At least Kristi did the deed herself, while Il Duce would have his body guard, or chauffer, or one of his lawyers to do the killing for him.

  4. lower-case

    trump should run as both P and VP (anything in the constitution that explicitly prevents that...?)

    in any case, the alito court would probably give trump the constitutional green flag if he bought them all really nice RV's

    1. Srho

      Electors can't cast ballots for both P and VP residing in their state, so that would cost Trump FL's votes (for VP, presumably). Whether they must be two different persons... I dunno where that's written.

  5. KinersKorner

    Who give two shits about Gym Jordon? The guy is a raging buffoon. As is the Orange dope. So Dumb and Dumber on the ticket? Go for it….

  6. mistermeyer

    He's tiny. Trump only hires people who look the part, look good on TV, or are really (to him, anyway) hot.

  7. kenalovell

    Trump will not pick anyone with an independent political power base, because as a term-limited old man he'd be vulnerable to a vice president conspiring against him to force him from office. He won't pick anyone who would steal any of the media limelight from him, partly for the same reason and partly because he can't stand not being the centre of attention 24/7.

    I imagine he's having awful trouble choosing a running mate. Like all bosses with huge egos, he just can't imagine how anyone could possibly replace him.

  8. skeptonomist

    Why did Trump pick Pence? He needed strong support from the religiose faction. He may need that support even more since he has backed off on a national abortion ban. Trump does not need a major national figure - in fact he doesn't want to share the limelight with anyone. Look for someone who is known to the religious right, but not so much otherwise.

  9. cld

    Jordan is an ugly idiot who everyone hates, and who looks incredibly like an ape dressed up for a photo shoot.

  10. kasbhai

    I wouldn't be so fast to count Noem out. Trump's cultists are now wearing shirts lionizing shitting in your pants, so "Shooting Puppies is for Real 'Mercans" doesn't seem that far out.

  11. Jim Carey

    "he's super conservative"

    Jim Jordan is not conservative. Being conservative is a good thing. Being progressive is a good thing. Jim Jordan occupies a mature body with an immature mind, which is a bad thing. Calling Jim Jordan a conservative is also a bad thing.

    When progressives associate "conservative" with bad and "progressive" with good, and conservatives do the opposite, we've stopped speaking English and started speaking an unnecessarily complicated version of chimpanzee, the purpose of which is to establish a dominance hierarchy.

  12. memyselfandi

    Jim Jordan is smart enough to know that the vice presidency is a graveyard for politicians. In US history, since we stopped giving the vice presidency to the loser of the presidential election, only two sitting vice presidents have been elected president, Martin Van Buren in 1836 and GHWBush in 2008.

    1. emjayay

      Except in this case there is a much higher than usual chance of the VP becoming the President - about even with either party's candidate.

    2. Joseph Harbin

      8 of the past 21 presidents were former VPs.
      Since 1900, VPs who later became presidents:
      TR, Coolidge, Truman, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Bush I, Biden.
      Not bad odds.

    3. DaBunny

      Disagree on a few counts. In my opinion, Jordan ain't that smart. Also in my opinion limiting your count to sitting veeps who slide right into the oval office is inaccurate. It ignores our current president, among many others.

      And factually: "GHWBush in 2008"? Barack Obama was elected in 2008. Bush I was in 1988.

  13. jte21

    Gym Jordan and James Comer were in charge of impeaching Biden and they couldn't close the deal. Mostly because there was no there there and it turns out that "made up evidence" somehow doesn't cut it in the real world, much to their surprise. Trump won't forgive this treachery in this lifetime or the next.

  14. KawSunflower

    There are many valid points mentioned above, & I think that there's one more: It's doubtful that trump could stand being in the same room with anyone who talks lovomotive-style, or like an auctioneer, which Jordan reminds me of

    When an NPR reporter dares to question him, there's no way that person can shut him down to ask a follow-up. I've had to turn it off, he is such an awful speaker. Thr only reason I can imagine he'd be anyone's pick for the VP spot is if they wanted a traditional "attack dog" for the ticket, which trump doesn't need.

  15. Jimm

    Trump's choice is probably very difficult, if he doesn't win the election, which is pretty likely at this point with the abortion rulings (far right always sabotage themselves in victory, because always lying when electioneering, and just dumb when it comes to economics), Trump will flee the country and never come back, as he likely has no intention of facing justice, and just hopes to run out the clock, hoping above all else to win and shut down investigations and/or pardon himself, being his loyalty is only self-directed, he betrays and slanders nearly everyone who works for him (whether you agree or not he clearly isn't able to evaluate quality help).

    1. Toofbew

      Not sure he would flee the country. It has been reported that Trump is afraid to eat "foreign" food, so he brings along hamburgers or something when he travels.

  16. D_Ohrk_E1

    People frequently misjudge the kind of person the Orange Orangutan wants.

    Above all traits, the highest priority is someone who won't pull the spotlight away from the Great Round Orange in the Simian Sky.

    The lower priority is a milquetoast either willing to be a political ho or is matching a demographic need.

    The last thing he needs or wants is a Jim Jordan as VP. While he's got the political ho nailed down, he violates the first priority of taking the spotlight away from the Big Ugly Gabon.

  17. Altoid

    Too many Jordan demerits:
    1) Big-manic energy, so much of it he could overshadow trump himself when they're together. Almost every male in top-level positions 2017-21 was kinda slow-moving and relatively focused in public, iirc, except maybe Navarro.
    2) Camera-hungry and too inclined to go off on his own instead of sitting obediently on thumbs until told what to do. And flubbed big assignment, as jte21 says.
    3) Short, as many point out, and odd posture that puts trump off, as completely visually-oriented person.
    4) Most important, no money to bring to the campaign and/or the lawyers, not his own nor any mega-buck donors'. This is trump's crying need, beyond anything else-- just look how he's setting up to milk the RNC dry-- and he has the small-dollar donors locked up already.

    Burgum has tons of dough, doesn't move or speak fast, won't outshine trump on the same stage, so maybe. OTOH he doesn't bring much to the campaign as a *campaign,* beyond the money. MAGA-world doesn't know him from a hole in the ground, unless he's a stealth presence or something.

    There aren't any obvious women now that the most likely ones have torched themselves, but he might feel less threatened by a woman. If he could poach Nicole Shanahan I think he'd be tempted.

    Mainly, though, in 2016 he knew he needed a vp with evangelical-world cred, and it was obvious to everybody. This time it seems to me he's looking for somebody who can whip up the committed MAGA world. And has big bucks, either in hand or from mega-donors. And won't outshine him. And will be a champion bootlicker and asskisser.

    That isn't Jordan but who could it be? Doesn't seem like it'd be somebody with a big national presence, unless maybe Vance. But he'd be bankrupted in a couple of months if he did it. Texas or Oklahoma mid-visibility pol with pipeline to oil or Koch money? A hot MAGA name that big-media journos and the rest of us don't know? I kinda doubt trump has much idea either right now.

  18. cld



    So that explains it,

    RFK Jr: A worm ate part of my brain and then died

    Third-party candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a startling medial secret, according to The New York Times: Parts of his brain were apparently eaten by a parasitic worm.

    "In 2010, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was experiencing memory loss and mental fogginess so severe that a friend grew concerned he might have a brain tumor. Mr. Kennedy said he consulted several of the country’s top neurologists, many of whom had either treated or spoken to his uncle, Senator Edward M. Kennedy, before his death the previous year of brain cancer," reported Susanne Craig. "Several doctors noticed a dark spot on the younger Mr. Kennedy’s brain scans and concluded that he had a tumor, he said in a 2012 deposition reviewed by The New York Times."

    But it turned out it wasn't a tumor, according to Kennedy's deposition — a doctor at New York-Presbyterian Hospital contacted him just as he was set to travel to receive treatment to tell him his illness in fact “was caused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died.”

    According to the report, Kennedy suffers from a number of other impairments, including atrial fibrillation and mercury poisoning related to the consumption of fish.
    . . . .

  19. DoubleHelix

    Its going to be Tim Scott of SC. Why? His pigmentation would attempt to wedge blacks away from the Ds and offer the MAGAts some sense of redemption from claims of racism; his right-wing bona fides, and because he's obsequious and a fully-fledged Trumper. Utterly despicable, but he'll be the one.

  20. pjcamp1905

    I suspect a feral suspicion that Jordan is one of the few people who can out-Trump Donald Trump right to his face.

  21. QuakerInBasement

    My guess is that Trump is trying to figure out how to turn it into an "acting" position like he did with his cabinet secretaries.

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