The vote is beginning for Speaker of the House. Will Kevin McCarthy lose and be completely humiliated? I sure hope so. No spineless toady could ever deserve it more.
Some other lunatic will step up to take his place, so this is hardly a national crisis. And it doesn't matter who it is since House Republicans will prevent even the slightest thing from getting done over the next two years. What difference does it make which one of them officially becomes Dr. No?
"It is time to root for Kevin McCarthy’s utter humiliation"
When is it *not* time to root for Kevin McCarthy’s utter humiliation?
word for word exactly what I was thinking
In principle McCarthy is supported by Trump, and the way Greene supports McCarthy suggests that Trump actually wants him to win. So it is also a loss for Trump, which is make it much better than run-of-the-mill humiliation of McCarthy.
When I'm asleep. My subconscious refuses to engage with Republicans in any way.
I earn $100 per hour while taking risks and travelling to remote parts of the world. I worked remotely last week while in Rome, Monte Carlo, and eventually Paris. I’m back in the USA this week. I only perform simple activities from this one excellent article.
Read this article for more details...
"What difference does it make which one of them officially becomes Dr. No?"
There are degrees of evil and insanity, even amongst the worst Republicans. I can easily imagine a Speaker Greene attempting to assassinate Biden during the next SOTU speech.
"Assassinate is such a harsh word. And actually, Democrats harshly criticized President Trump, so Greene's disrupting of the SOTU speech (by trying to blow off Joe Biden's head" is really just something done by both sides. Why can't we get along??
2nd in line to succeed the President. Unlikely to happen, but...
Debt ceiling.
I was thinking the same thing: degrees of wingnuttery might well correspond with willingness to risk blowing up the country's financial markets.
So Jim Jordan wasn't even in the running, but got six votes by my count. Andy Biggs got around 11, and there were 2-3 other Republican throw-away votes. Dems stayed firm and united on Hakim Jeffries, "the pride of Brooklyn!"
Take that, Will Rogers.
Cofefe accomplished, at least for round one.
I'm rooting for this to last long enough that the House Clerk's name becomes common knowledge amongst people who at least glance at the news.
This seems like a great time for Democrats to round up a handful of Republican moderates, and pitch a deal to elect one of those moderates. No Republican is going to vote for a Democrat, but they might vote for a sane Republican -- and yes, those do still exist, though they have become an endangered species in Congress.
Five Republicans plus all Democrats is enough to pick a Speaker.
I have no idea if there are five "moderate" R's to be found. Seems unlikely. But it would be worth a try. One R possibility that I am somewhat familiar with is Brian Fitzpatrick of PA.