Kevin McCarthy has fallen short on the first vote for Speaker. No worries, though. It was totally expected, his flacks say. Just wait, and he'll win later in the day.
Uh huh.
Cats, charts, and politics
Kevin McCarthy has fallen short on the first vote for Speaker. No worries, though. It was totally expected, his flacks say. Just wait, and he'll win later in the day.
Uh huh.
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How much will those votes cost?
[cue Everything meme]
And if he does win, it will be pyrrhic. The Republican $hit Show, 2023 Edition, has only begun.
Forgive the outre-mer ignornce, but the vote is one by one in open announcement or is it done by simultaneous voting?
They each stand in turn and loudly and proudly voice their undying support.
More seriously than cld, they vote 1 x 1, in alphabetical order.
Josh Marshall is liveblogging it ( ) in the left hand column.
If I were McCarthy, I'd want to lose at this point. He would certainly be impotent as a speaker. Better to let some clown like Gym Jordan screw things up enough that the GOP will come crawling back to McCarthy, who will look sane and moderate by comparison.
McCarthy is so incompetent, every move he makes is a face plant. He should never have tried engaging with the baboon colony, it's nothing but blowing pure oxygen into a fire and I think everyone else in the world foresaw this is exactly what would happen.
He might still win in the end, but it will be effectively a vote for no Speaker, a vote for anarchy that he wins on.
I'm surprised nobody has suggested the following stratagem for the Dems:
Pick the most acceptable (i.e., least unreasonable) Republican representative to support for the post. Contact ten moderate (i.e., least unreasonable) Republicans and offer to help them elect a moderate (i.e., non-unreasonable) Speaker over the cacophony of objections of objections of their unreasonable cohorts.
212 Dems and just 6 (or more) Republicans could get a Speaker who could allow the House to conduct real business over the next two years.
I highly doubt that there is even a single Republican member that would take them up on this offer. It would end their career in the next primary.
I think the Republicans should coalesce around the man who most exemplifies their Party and what it stands for. Of course, I mean George Santos.
I know! I I know!
"I think the Republicans should coalesce around the man who most exemplifies their Party and what it stands for. Of course, I mean George Santos."
This comment deserves to be posted again in whole. Comment of the (New) Year!
Lost on the second vote, too. He's doomed.