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JD Vance thinks he’s a clever boy

Today New York Times reporter Lulu Garcia-Navarro asked JD Vance over and over and over whether he believed Donald Trump won the 2020 election. Naturally he refused to answer:

Vance's refusal to answer doesn't really bug me. Whatever. What does bug me is his smug cleverness in pretending that the real issue is that the media massively censored news of Hunter Biden's laptop and "analysts" think this cost Trump millions of votes.

I know JD doesn't care, but for the millionth time there was no censorship. Twitter took down links to the story for about 24 hours. Facebook limited distribution a little bit. The mainstream media all wrote about it, but only after they could confirm the story—which Rudy Giuliani deliberately made difficult by withholding the evidence he claimed to have.

That's it. That's the massive censorship. It never happened.

34 thoughts on “JD Vance thinks he’s a clever boy

  1. Bobby

    It was reported today by CNN that the Trump campaign asked Twitter to block links to the JD Vance files pilfered by the Iranians.

    Yet for some reason not linking to NY Post stories about Hunter Biden's stolen files continues to be the highest crime in history.

  2. bbleh

    That's it. That's the massive censorship. It never happened.

    Oh come ON Kevin. You might as well claim the Resurrection "never happened."

    These are Republicans he's talking to. Most of them want to believe it, and fully half are stupid enough actually to believe it. And the Good Germans Republicans will say they believe it because that's what a Good German Republican does in the service of the Volk party and its Führer leader.

    1. MF

      Yes. Like those Republicans at Variety?

      16 days, not one. And for materials that the FBI had already confirmed to Twitter were authentic and not from a hack as Twitter claimed.

      In contrast, Twitter never blocked access to articles about Trump's tax returns which were illegally leaked and no one connected to the US government suggested that they should do so.

      1. TheMelancholyDonkey

        From your own source:

        "A day later, Twitter revised that policy to allow tweets that discuss hacked material and to label (rather than block) posts that link to such content."

        Maybe try being honest some time.

  3. JohnH

    In other words, if only a few more people on social media were aware of Hunter Biden's laptops, the election could have gone to Trump? Just like Hunter has since gone to jail, just like it's been linked to some or other Joe Biden crimes, and just like if only people actually heard what's coming out of JD's and Trump's mouth, they'd finally see them as unfit for office.

  4. Dana Decker

    You know who else thinks of himself as a clever boy? John Roberts, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Faced with a clear case for dismissal, Roberts fashions a hierarchy of immunities ("absolute" and "presumptive") and different forms of authority (“conclusive and preclusive”). Not only that, but comes up with a threadbare excuse for writing a wide-ranging opinion instead of a narrow one. He explicitly dismisses the present danger posed by Trump because he's transitory. All those clever verbal rods and spools to create a legal Tinker-Toy that will be studied - or laughed at - in the years ahead.

    1. Bardi

      IANAL, but, it sounds good to me. Biden declares he really lost 2020 and donnie is disqualified for 2024. If he is disqualified, who represents the GOP?

      1. MF

        Interesting hypothetical.

        If Trump is somehow disqualified Vance becomes the GOP candidate and without Trump's baggage probably wins by a landslide.

        Meanwhile I cannot even imagine the outcome if it was proven that Trump actually won in 2020.

        Are all executive actions by Biden and his appointees now invalid? Are laws he signed no longer valid? Are his judicial nominees still judges? Are the decisions they made still binding judgments?

        I think I would run out of money to spend on popcorn.

        1. TheMelancholyDonkey

          Meanwhile, I can't even imagine what it would like if Warren Buffet died and made me his sole heir.

          Just because you can come up with a dumb hypothetical doesn't mean that it's even vaguely important.

          1. MF

            SRHO and Bardi came up with the hypothetical and the usual liberal idiots are masturbating while fantasizing about it.

            I just pointed out the actual implications.

            1. Josef

              "the usual liberal idiots are masturbating while fantasizing about it." This sounds like projection. Just take a look at your first post.

    2. BKDad

      Y'know, that's a great point.

      Somebody - I'm not sure who has the authority to do so - should just say as much. Tell him that he won, it was all a mistake, give him the wages he missed over the past four years, and move on.

  5. NotCynicalEnough

    It's pretty rich for any Republican to complain about censorship when Steve Scalise is proposing to AIPAC that universities that allow pro Palestinian demonstrations should be stripped of any federal grant money and lose their accreditation. That's what censorship looks like, it isn't twitter blocking posts for a few days.

    1. MF

      Got it.

      Same applies to schools that allow KKK chapters and NAZI clubs right? And for state schools prohibiting such organizations is unconstitutional, right?

      1. Anandakos

        This sudden outbreak of "both-siderism" isn't a good look, MoFo. We depend on you to defend the indefensible with vigor to the ridiculous end.

  6. iamr4man

    When J D Vance says he wouldn’t have certified the 2020 election because of the Hunter Biden story he should be asked if he thinks Biden made a mistake in certifying the 2016 election based on Trump paying off his mistresses to keep quiet about his extramarital sexual relationships with them. And in the questioning of him the details of Trump’s sexcapades should be detailed. Doesn’t he think that the public had a right to know about his relationships with porn stars? Doesn’t he think that it was wrong that that information was withheld?

  7. pjcamp1905

    We should turn "vance" into a noun meaning "that guy who's always saying "Well, actually..." about anything anyone is talking about."

    I'd even endow an award. The trophy could be a miniature couch with a latex glove sticking out and an empty bottle of Astroglide. The Vancey.

  8. trittico

    Is it too much to fucking ask that when Vance repeats his Hunter crapola that some fucking journalist pushes back with the fucking facts as Kevin lays them out here?
    Fucking fuck.

    1. ConradsGhost

      Exactafuckingmentally. This, this, this. Gutless 'influence' and 'access' whores refusing to do their fucking job, and acting like everything's normal, it's just the messy mess of democracy, we're just here to scribe what the lying liars say and let the people decide. See? We're not biased. We're completely rational and objective, like good journalists. No, you aren't. You are fucking failures as people and as professionals. The entire national media ecosystem is complicit in the twisted unreality we're living. Fucking cowards doesn't even begin to cover it.

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