Mr. Trump has accused federal officials and social companies of trying to suppress conservative speech, while they have said they were only trying to identify falsehoods about elections, vaccines and the like.
Potayto, potahto.
Cats, charts, and politics
Mr. Trump has accused federal officials and social companies of trying to suppress conservative speech, while they have said they were only trying to identify falsehoods about elections, vaccines and the like.
Potayto, potahto.
Comments are closed.
Like Hunter Biden's laptop?
Ah, that is another issue. Who knows the truth of that? And the importance is approximately 0. Another thing that conservatives do, waste time with trivia.
Does anyone still deny that the Hunter Biden laptop was real?
Nobody denies that the laptop was owned by Hunter Biden. However, being able to trust the information on it after it was in the unsupervised hands of Giuliani and other shady ratf*ckers is something else completely.
Yes exactly.
Correct. Rudy and the MAGAts brain trust repeatedly stated that the laptop contained evidence of corruption and payments from Burisma and other Ukraine players to the Bidens. Instead all we got were Hunter doing blow with hookers.
The one bright spot in this nonsense was the conservative view
that anyone who did illegal drugs and lied on their gun permit should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law /s
Well, there was a bit of time when the copies of the harddrive were bouncing around all summer and it was difficult for them to authenticate because it was stolen data divorced from the physical laptop.
But none of the stories which mentioned that part were suppressed, either.
It has been over four years.
Is there a single iota of evidence that ANYTHING on that laptop was altered from the original?
Also real: Donald Trump's fingers jammed up E. Jean Carroll's vagina while she struggled to get away. But y'all are ok with that reality, sooo...
You married?
Yes. In a dressing room in a department store where dozens of people might come running to any disturbance and done by one of the most egotistical image concious people in the history of the United States.
It works in a movie or an erotic novel. In real life? Absolutely unbelievable. A New York jury ruled against Trump for being Trump. I doubt even they believed Carroll/s story.
Yes! Donald Trump, famous for carefully thinking through the consequences of all his actions and always electing for the prudent, non-creepy choice. It's inconceivable that the many people who have come forward with stories of his abuse and convinced juries of same are being truthful.
Are you disappointed Hunters dick pics weren't more widely distributed?
He's disappointed he wasn't in them.
For all the ink spilled on his laptop, the only thing that seems to have been on it is dick picks.
I rather suspect that it's precisely those presidential-son dick picks that have gotten MF all hot and bothered.
Noted, discussion of it was never censored, only posting stolen images ever was.
Funny that stolen naked photos of someone might be stopped...
Um... I think it is well documented both that the images were not stolen and that links to the NY Post's article discussing the contents of the laptop were blocked by Twitter.
You mean revenge porn?
Reminder: It is indisputably true now - four years, multiple Congressional investigations and multiple criminal investigations later - that there was NOTHING on the 'laptop' that was remotely relevant to the 2020 Presidential campaign. In any way, shape or form.
We now KNOW what most people THOUGHT then - that Rudy was throwing ketchup at the wall in the hopes of stealing the election before anyone realized there was no 'there' there (a lsa Jim Comey 2016)
Not falling for that was probably the *best* journalistic impulse we've seen from the mainstream media in a deacde.....
Of course, both statements can be true, if conservatives only lie. Which is pretty much the case. Which I suppose is Kevin's point. A bit cryptic for him. Getting cynical is his old age.
There are many honest and honorable conservatives.
None of them make it past the first primary.
Without bad faith…..
Republicans would have no arguments at all
Exactly. These platforms are moderating lies and hate speech. It's not their problem that the overwhelming majority of the lies and hate speech comes from "conservatives" (really MAGAs). Stop spreading lies and hate and maybe you wouldn't have this problem.
We are living in a post truth/fact society. Lies are just as legitimate as truth or facts. To quote Kate McKinnon portraying Laura Ingraham, ""Feel facts" aren't technically facts, "but they just feel true," This is conservatives in a nutshell.
I'm so old, I can remember when people wanted to know what was actually happening in the world and with their government, and made fun of outlets like "Pravda" that spread the party line.
What do we need to do to go back to those Golden Days? Claim to be the "real conservatives" (since that seems to be the magic word)? Work the refs like the wingnuts have been doing for decades?
they have to learn to stop looking behind that curtain
It might be time to start saying that I'm actually conservative because I believe in:
- family
- honesty
- truth
- fairness
- respect
- freedom
Literally the exact opposite of every reactionary Trumptroll in the Republican Party.
And here I thought this was what almost every American valued, Right or Left. Trump's election, again, proved me wrong.
They are at best conditional for many people.
I'm waiting for the day when a major presidential candidate disavows all political parties and runs on a platform that needs to be read
Just about everyone's head will explode
You know, a conservative who believes in helping the disadvantaged and practices tolerance of others?
Yeh, I know, don't hold your breath .....................
The omission of 'falsely' before 'accused' is a minor tell about just how far from actual journalism NYT has fallen....
I knew his administration would be bad, but how really bad could it be? Stephen Miller as deputy chief of staff for policy and Elise Stefanik as ambassador to the U.N. bad! That's just two I happened to read in Google suggested news feed.