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Locked out

The Guardian asked people exiting a Trump rally in Georgia why they were leaving early. Voni Miller said she didn't want to leave, but:

“I’m actually leaving early because my phone is dying and I have a Tesla so I can’t get in. It’s really upsetting, because it meant a lot to be here, and I just can’t get in my car.”

Ah, modern life.

32 thoughts on “Locked out

  1. Srho

    And once Miller gets in her Tesla, she faces the dilemma of dying by electrocution is she ever crashes in the water, or jumping away from the battery and being devoured by sharks.

        1. cld

          Somebody drowned in Texas when a crowd couldn't break a window to get a woman out of her Tesla as it went underwater, because of the bullet proof glass.

  2. Josef

    Realistically how many leaving drive Teslas? If getting into my car depended on my phone being fully charged I'd be damn sure I have a portable battery pack.

    1. kirkwoll

      They give you two creditcard sized keycards when you buy the car. I've never heard of a tesla owner who didn't keep one in their wallet/purse at all times.

      1. dvhall99

        Every single Tesla driver has at least one key card. This person at the Trump rally is an imbecile or a liar. Or (probably) both.

      2. lawnorder

        They may have forgotten about it. I had something similar happen. My car's key fob has an "alarm" button which when pushed makes the car's horn honk repetitively and its lights flash. It seems to be mainly intended to allow you to find your car in a parking lot if you can't remember exactly where you parked.

        The one time I could have used the alarm function, three years after I bought the car, I didn't remember I had it.

  3. rick_jones

    Shirley being in the presence of the Great and Powerful Trump would have caused her phone to charge? ... Pyramids (schemes or otherwise) have nothing on Trump.

    1. iamr4man

      I took it that the battery was at a very low percentage and she needed to get to the car and unlock it before the phone battery went completely dead.

  4. illilillili

    That makes no sense. Why would she be driving an electric car when she knows climate change is a hoax, electric cars are a communist biden-harris plot, real magats drive trucks or huge suvs, and fossil fuels are the only god-blessed forms of energy? Driving an electric car is kinda Woke, isn't it?

  5. Salamander

    What, you people are amazed she would drive an Elon-mobile? And that her phone battery would be nearly dead after a couple hours recording the on-stage antics of her Great Messiah?

    1. Crissa

      More than half of EVs in the US were made by Tesla.

      Calling them 'elon mobiles' shows that your childishness overrides any actual morals or ethics you have.

      1. different_name

        So it might upset you that I call them Douchemobiles. Sorry I insulted your car.

        But getting high and mighty about morality is pretty rich from someone who apparently is cool with funding a South African fascist intent on burning the US down.

        So let's be clear here - it isn't that I don't have or respect my morals, it is that I do not share yours.

      2. Salamander

        Umm... she said it was a "Tesla." Lately Elon Musk, who founded and still has a hand in Tesla motors, has become a big Trumper. So it's not inconceivable to me that the lady's use of a Tesla car might be related to support for Trump via Musk, rather than some concern for the environment, which many have doubted. Or maybe she drove a Tesla just because many models are very expensive, and that's a Republican virtue in general.

        I fail to see how this has anything to do with my "morals" or "ethics", but fully admit to frequent childishness. Sorry it pulled your trigger.

  6. D_Ohrk_E1

    She's lying. She didn't want anyone to see that she was driving an EV in Michigan, not after Trump told them that EVs are killing US automakers.

  7. trittico

    anyone so dependent on a phone who doesn't carry a small power bank is a fucking moron.

    but she was at a trump rally, so I guess we knew that already.

  8. barry bear

    MEOOOOOW. The problems that REPUBLICANS HAVE. TORN BETWEEN A CONVICTED FELON SEX OFFENDER WHORE MONGER....or a Tesla...had to use my litter box after this....KITTIES KNOW.

  9. ddoubleday

    The 5 Danes who don't care about American politics but who were there wearing MAGA hats because they wanted to experience the "fever dream".

    The guy who went in to chant "Free Palestine" but got roughed up by the crowd and kicked out...and still plans to vote for Trump.

    It's all circuses now, no bread.

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