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24 thoughts on “Republicans think everything is terrible

  1. cld

    'Harris low IQ'

    You know a guy who does his own makeup by rubbing candy corn on his face is not in a position to be much critical of others.

    (or is it Fritos he uses? Candy corn or Fritos, I really can't decide).

    1. Josef

      Circus peanuts. They're larger and have a softer texture. Better to blend with. The color matches well too. Oh and they are nastier than candy corn if you ask me.

    2. LactatingAlgore

      who are the democrats/leftists who agree that kamala is low iq? just chapo listeners who answered the phone during refractory periods between jacking it to their tulsi gabbard posters?

  2. sonofthereturnofaptidude

    If you had a cable network devoted to keeping you misinformed with a constant barrage of confirmation-bias-fueled content, you'd be delusional, too.

  3. ProgressOne

    And they also believe we live in an extremely corrupt country. Behind the scenes, all sorts of corruption are taking place, and Democrats are at the center of it, directing it. Democracy hardly works any more here. In fact, the 2020 presidential election was stolen. The media each day broadcasts endless lies and left-wing propaganda. MSM journalists are all corrupt and dishonest. Terrible, non-white, illegal immigrants are driving a huge, violent crime wave. Democrats overall are disgusting and are destroying the country.

    When you think your country is such a cesspool, why stay here? Hungary is accepting MAGA white people as immigrants. Orban has the media on a leash, and you can get your fill of endless, right-wing propaganda all day, every day.

  4. Evan

    This sort of thing reminds me of when 65% of Republicans were saying they believed Obama was born in Kenya. It was obviously false; nobody with enough wits to figure out the Tooth Fairy ever believed that claim. They just knew how to answer for their team when a pollster asked the question.

    I don't think any of them of them believes Kamala Harris has a "low IQ", either. But they know which answer the party wants them to give, and answering truthfully isn't a high priority. Polls like this don't provide information about what Republicans actually think; they're just a measure of what Republicans would have done in the Asch conformity experiments.

    Some Democrats probably give answers to conform to the party line too, but it seems to be less common. When the economy was doing okay under Trump, the partisan differential on economic questions was a lot smaller than under Biden.

    1. deathawaits

      " believed Obama was born in Kenya. It was obviously false; nobody with enough wits to figure out the Tooth Fairy ever believed that claim."

      So now you are saying the Tooth Fairy was born in Kenya????!?!?!??!

      I never understood the Kenya thing. It is like people taken in by the Ted Cruz isn't an American thing because he was born in Canada. Just really low information on what natural born citizen means.

      The disturbing part is at least some of the 69% actually believe the election was stolen. Even it is 1 in 10 that is a enormous number of people.

  5. Josef

    You can guarantee that if Trump wins their feelings will do a complete 180° turn and everything will be better than it ever was.

  6. Doctor Jay

    If we could pose the following question, we would get better answers:

    Harris is going to take an IQ test next week. Would you be willing to bet $100 on her scoring under 100?

    The Trumpian thing to do would be to claim the thing was rigged and walk away. But not bet on Harris scoring under 100.

    Because people give much saner and calculated answers when their own money is on the line. Much saner.

  7. different_name

    They're fairly well-trained to provide consistent messaging, they have been since at least Limbaugh.

    The more interesting question is, how many are sincere, and how many are consciously lying?

  8. D_Ohrk_E1

    I fault the Republicans who sane-wash and excuse away the lunacy and pretend that it's all just an act, even though deep inside, they're freaked the hell out.

  9. Hal_10000

    Cult of Personality combined with push-polling. If Trump said the moon was made of green cheese, 40% of Republicans would agree with him.

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