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Louisiana ordered to redraw racist congressional map

Louisiana's latest redistricting map is so unfair to Black voters that even the hyper-conservative Fifth Circuit Court has agreed it's illegal:

The Louisiana state legislature has until the middle of January to enact a new congressional map after a federal court ruled that the state’s current map illegally disfranchises Black voters in the state.... According to the order, if the state legislature doesn’t pass a new map by the deadline, then a lower district court should conduct a trial and develop a plan for the 2024 elections.

I expect a detailed and sorrowful editorial from the Wall Street Journal shortly that explains how the normally sensible Fifth Circuit nonetheless got this wrong. It will probably have something to do with one of the judges on the panel being a Jimmy Carter appointee.

15 thoughts on “Louisiana ordered to redraw racist congressional map

  1. Justin

    Why do blacks in Louisiana deserve a representative in congress? Most of them don’t even vote.

    “Black Louisianans faced criticism for record-low voter turnout in an election that flipped the Louisiana legislature Saturday and ultimately led to the election of Republican attorney general Jeff Landry as governor.”

    To hell with them.

    1. gs

      Maybe they have grown cynical because they know damn well that the repubelickens illegally gerrymandered the holy piss out of the districts.

    2. CAbornandbred

      Maybe because they are citizens of the state? Like the white people. Unless what you meant to say is that Black people are not worthy or deserving of the vote in Louisiana. Or how can a piece of property vote?

      1. Justin

        What I mean to say is that they make up some insignificant minority of the voting public and don’t warrant special consideration. Maybe they’ve given up. Maybe they just don’t care. I don’t know, but I’m sure I don’t give a flip fuck about people in Louisiana regardless.

        1. Austin

          Let’s be honest: do you give a flip fuck about anybody but yourself?

          Don’t feed the amoral monster living in his mother’s basement.

          1. Justin

            I certainly don’t care about you And I’m really just being honest. I care about the people I know personally. Just like you do. what does it mean to say I care about people halfway around the world or in Louisiana? I don’t know them. So get over it. You don’t care about them. You do nothing for them. Their well being is of no consequence to you. You don’t even notice. So how about you be honest.

            1. MarkHathaway1

              This is like the argument related to "lazy unemployed people". If they had half a chance to get educated and then a job, maybe they'd expend the energy to try.

              Take away hope and people have no reason to do anything.

    3. Yehouda

      "Why do blacks in Louisiana deserve a representative in congress?"

      Because the constitutional order is that people has representatives in congress. What you think or care, and whether they vote or not, is irrelevant.

      It is true that it would be nicer if they vote (and for Democrats), but that doesn't affect their rights.

  2. different_name

    I predict Louisiana will tell them to pound sand, setting up yet another Scotus fight.

    This is as much an intra-Republican fight as it is anything else. The history of the rightward shift of the court has been that as soon as one of them finds a limit on a Republican hobby horse issue, they become a RINO squish who needs someone far to their right appointed to balance their liberalism.

  3. bbleh

    See this just shows that LIBRULS are the REAL racists, because you didn't hear any CONSERVATIVES complaining about Black voters being systematically underrepresented, so ... er ... I'll come in again.

  4. Mike Masinter

    The schedule may still protect the GOP because of the Purcell rule. The legislature won't enact a remedial map, forcing a trial after January. The plaintiffs will win, and the court will impose a new redistricting map, but the state will argue based on Purcell that by then it will be too close to an election for the new map to take effect lest voters be confused. Of course the Purcell rule, like so much of Roberts era voting rights rules, is all about protecting republican gerrymanders even when they can be shown to be racially motivated.

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