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Lunchtime Photo

This is a panorama photo of St. Peter's Square—the whole thing. It's sort of like taking a circle and unraveling it into a straight line.

The downside, of course, is that it really needs to be about 3 feet wide, not 600 pixels. But you go to war with the pixels you have, not the pixels you wish you had.

July 27, 2021 — Vatican City, Italy

6 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. memyselfandi

    "What causes high inflation? An overheating economy. " Milton Friedmn would disagree. And most of the time Milton would be right. Inflation is usually caused printing too much money. t can also be cause supply disruptions.the 2nd type of inflation should be ignored. How much right now is the 2nd type is unclear, but given that the FED printed trillion dollars under Trump the first is also occurring and the Fed should stop. An overheating economy has nothing to do with it.

  2. MindGame

    It's staggering to be witness to the genius of so many so harmonically assembled in one place. Certainly political power was a crucial, binding element to its creation, but the overwhelming beauty and the artisanry point to something beyond that. If we can ever hope to attain such communal art at this high level again?

  3. inhumans50

    This picture reminded me to ask, did you ever get a chance to fix your drone? I hope it was not permanently wrecked.

  4. Traveller

    This is pretty amazing photoshop work considering that St Peter's square is actually an entire circle that Kevin has made lineal and pretty close to perfectly if it was really built that way.

    So nicely done, kudos.


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