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7 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. Ghost of Warren Zevon

    What day/time was it taken? If you know that, you can figure out the direction in which the moon set, and then you can triangulate based on the angle of the building slats to determine the latitude and then...........uh....what was the question again?

    1. Greg Apt

      Just because I live close by, I’ll nerd out and say I think that the picture is taken sometime late in the evening/early morning, probably around 2 in the morning. I think Kevin is standing on Wilshire Blvd just east of the federal building facing southwest where the nearly full moon is on its downward trajectory towards its moonset.

      Now as for the latitude and longitude??? I’m guessing that - minutes and seconds aside, it’s just about the exact same as mine, which allows for my particularly nerdy reply 😉

  2. treeeetop57

    I agree: The Federal Building. It’s the one where the windows turn fuzzy at a certain point when you drive past it on the 405.

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