This is the Hollywood/Vine subway station on the LA metro's Red Line, aka the B Line. The top photo is the . . . foyer? Lobby? Whatever. It's a large space with a couple of old-timey movie projectors and some art deco palm trees. The bottom photo provides a closer look at the walls as you approach the escalator to the platform.

So, one of the B-list stations…
I don't know if that will work as a bomb shelter.
Ne pas toucher !
I would have guessed hair salon.
A major issue with American design is we, at least unconsciously, don't want to build anything too permanent, nothing we wouldn't be fine with tearing down and replacing.
Mezzanine. The floor between the platforms and the surface street is usually called the mezzanine in train stations.
Cool photos, and great looking places! Now, cue all the folks insisting that "today's young people" will have no idea what those round, perforated things on the walls are...
Where are the people?
God, so much of Los Angeles is so beautiful (or just plain fun)!
People who don't live here and only know it from snarky essays by New Yorkers really do not know what they are missing.