Every week I try to post at least one picture in the categories Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral. I've always wondered if anyone noticed that.
I've already done animals and minerals this week, so that leaves vegetables, which are typically either flowers or gardens. So here's a picture of the Coulée Verte in Paris, an old elevated train line that's been converted into a public park. It's three miles long and was completed in 1993.
Unlike the similar Highline in New York City, the Coulée Verte is indeed verte, full of plants and flowers and ponds and shady benches to enjoy it all. On the day we visited, Marian and I grabbed a couple of sandwiches and some fruit and ate lunch, then walked to the other end and caught a metro home. It's worth a visit.

Word came today that James Caan passed away at the age of 82. He was one of my favorite actors.
He's probably best known for the role of Sonny Corleone in "The Godfather" but I think my favorite is "Rollerball." A few months ago I saw it again on TV and I think it still holds up well. The rollerball game scenes were really done well and they did it without the benefit of CGI. I thought it was an interesting (though brutal) game. I feel like puking whenever I think about that awful 2002 remake with LL Cool J.
RIP Mr Caan, and thanks for the memories.
I like The Killer Elite, same year as Rollerball. It's a shame all must pass, but thanks for you left behind.
*for what
Lovely image...and as an aside, Being in a different country from time to time, really Does give a person a wider perspective doesn't it?
It is fun seeing how you see this or that, France or Irvine, through your eyes.
Thanks, Best Wishes, Traveller
In case you were wondering,
Cannibalism Study Finds People Are Not That Nutritious,
Cannibalism? I had only planned on scanning your linked article, but it was quite comprehensive...well written and interesting.
So thank you, cld, you always seem to bring something of value to the table, (so to speak)...though, like the Author noted, at the end of the day, the subject always makes a person fell...odd.ish.
Thanks again, Best Wishes, Travelelr
What a beautiful place! I had no idea. Please share some more Coulée Verte photos! And thanks for this one.
Nice! I did not know of this place either. The Highline in NYC isn’t anything special IMO
Public gardens in Paris always remind me how crappy the landscaping in DC is around the public buildings (maybe it is better now, it was 10 years ago when I was last there).
Well also you gotta remember it's not a tropical climate so winter landscaping is dreadful. The best time to see DC landscapes is in the spring, there's a ton of flowering trees, tulips and daffodils. In summer nobody wastes water on landscaping at public buildings.
Also a ton of the landscaping is strategic -- this started happening by the late 1990s - huge concrete planters to try to make security more eclectically appealing.