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16 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

    1. Salamander

      I thought so, too. I've got some growing down a slope in the south front yard; this one seems to have completed blooming and the blossoms are fading.

      Did it have big, soft, fuzzy leaves?

    2. AnnieDunkin

      My buddy's mother makes $50 per hour working on the computer (Personal Computer). She hasn’t had a job for a long, yet this month she earned $11,500 by working just on her computer for 9 hours every day.

      Read this article for more details..

      1. pjcamp1905

        Really? My third cousin's uncle's second ex-wife has a child by her third marriage that makes the same amount in 20 minutes selling meth. And no computers! (Personal computers!)

        1. KawSunflower

          Thank you!

          Have been tempted to suggest edits to the troll (a "long" what? in a different pitch) & to drop the strange need to avoid using "PC." Had expected better of even Russian trolls, but maybe the better ones have been sent to the front.

      2. mistermeyer

        My friend's cousin's aunt's next-door-neighbor's grocery store clerk's son made $2,557,231.68 in TEN MINUTES using the time-tested program that can be found ONLY on: Don't fall for puny pitches like the one at payathome! This is the REAL DEAL!

        1. KawSunflower

          What we lose as a result of the failure of Kevin's S/W to block these trolls we gain with the creativity & humor in those responses.

          Can't imagine that they would find any success on this site, so hope they'll give up soon.

    1. Jasper_in_Boston

      I wasn't going to suggest smoking it. But I was going to suggest it's gotta be a close cousin of cannabis, or else we're looking at a nice example of convergent evolution!

  1. jhollyday

    It's Lamb's Ear. It's usually grown as a ground cover for the foliage, and the flowers are cut off. I grow it here in Maryland, and have seen it in many British gardens.

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