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Lunchtime Photo

My prime night sky target last week was the Pinwheel Galaxy, but it's not the only thing I photographed. I got to my usual site early but didn't want to start up until the sky was fully dark, so I spent the first hour on something else.

This is Markarian's Chain, a group of galaxies in Virgo that form a fairly smooth curve.  The two bright galaxies on the right are M86 and M84. The rest are not as well known.

In addition to the chain itself, other galaxies are also visible in this picture. By my count you can see 13 in total. They are all labeled here.

April 15, 2023 — Desert Center, California

5 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. D_Ohrk_E1

    If you're peering outside of the Milky Way, aren't all the things that appear as stars actually just other galaxies?

    1. Kevin Drum

      The stars in this picture are Milky Way stars that are in the way. We're in the interior of the Milky Way, so there are always lots of stars between us and the rest of the universe.

    1. Kevin Drum

      It's funny that it's so common to call the early universe a hot gas. For the first minute its density was about that of iron. It took half a million years before the universe was even transparent enough to allow light to pass freely.

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