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Lunchtime Photo

On Saturday night I went out to the desert for my last astrophotography session until I recover from my upcoming CAR-T treatment. Call it four or five months.

But I was excited to go because my astro weather website was forecasting top notch conditions. It was not to be. Conditions were perfectly fine, but not especially great, so my prime target for the night turned out nicely, but not quite as nicely as I'd hoped.

There isn't much to see in April, so I was limited in my choice of targets. I ended up choosing the Pinwheel Galaxy, a large-ish galaxy that appears face-on from our neck of the woods. It sports some very pretty blue and magenta sparkles that I enhanced just because I felt like it, and I was able to pick up a fair amount of detail using 10-minute exposures for about five hours.

The little blob at the far right is NGC5477, a dwarf galaxy of no special interest.

April 16, 2023 — Desert Center, California

19 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

    1. MattBallAZ

      Yeah, indeed.
      Kevin, I think you are at least a bit depressed if you're not happy with that. It is effing incredible.
      We're all rooting for you.

    2. Eve

      Google paid 99 dollars an hour on the internet. Everything I did was basic Οnline w0rk from comfort at hΟme for 5-7 hours per day that I g0t from this office I f0und over the web and they paid me 100 dollars each hour. For more details
      visit this article...

  1. rick_jones

    The little blob at the far right is NGC5477, a dwarf galaxy of no special interest.

    I wonder what the inhabitants think of our own galaxy…

    1. aldoushickman

      the news of Kevin's slander won't reach the NGC5477ians for another 20 million years, so Kevin has some time in which retract/repent/make amends.

  2. CAbornandbred

    Good luck with your upcoming CAR-T treatment. Hopefully you are up to some snappy blogging happening during your recovery. ????????

  3. Traveller

    Yes, the CAR-T is what is important...but I am still astounded by your space photography....could you take a cell phone picture of your rig when it is fully set up?

    I kind of know how this is done, but I'd like to see this in real life terms.

    This is not something I want to do, but it is something I'd like to see, Thanks, Best Wishes, Traveller

      1. Traveller

        Lol...but with me blushing...I have seen that before, but somehow I thought or assumed that you had upgraded to something larger than 4in...your work is just so good that I didn't believe it ....or that the images were possible with such a simple, though elegant, system.

        Yes I know it is super non-dispersion glass, and of course glass is everything, but still...Dammit man...!

        You are taking awe inspiring & thrilling pictures of far away galaxies...this is just not possible. Yet there the images are in front of me....Gosh, we have come a long way, it is like me leaving 6x7 medium format film for now full frame CMOS digital...just not possible.

        And so I argue with people how much better off we are now in so many ways...25 years ago you would not be taking these great pictures, and just 50 years ago our cars had carburetors and spark plugs that needed the occasional sand blasting... no 50,000 mile tires either....and medicine has made such great advances, (not to be morbid, but neither of us would probably be alive with the medical care of even 25 years ago).

        Oh sure there are down sides but we worried about the atomization of society 50 years ago too, and alienation and...racism and...heck, we had the great success of saving the ozone layer.

        There is much, much to be thankful for...thank you for reminding me how amazing the world is. Best Wishes, Traveller

  4. morrospy

    Sam Altman says the era of big models is over and the reason is diminishing returns with respect to hardware which is exactly what I told you would happen months back when you were alleging this would just keep growing linearly.
    I’m here to collect my prize. Moores law is dead.

  5. KawSunflower

    You are such a perfectionist!

    Anticipating excellent results from the new treatment, with many more years of shared photography to come.

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