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Lunchtime Photo

Here is a triptych of wind turbines. All of them were shot in the vicinity of Whitewater, a pass in the mountains near Palm Springs that's home to a huge wind turbine farm.

January 22, 2023 — Whitewater, California
October 27, 2022 — Whitewater, California
December 25, 2022 — Whitewater, California

9 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. name99

    Is it a FARM or a RESEARCH CENTER?
    Every time I drive past there are new, different wind mills (you can see like 5 generations of them all side by side) and they all seem to be arranged at different angles and frequently some are turning while others are not.

    Really has the vibe of a lab that keeps trying new things, not a commercial facility optimized for generating cash.

    1. Ken Rhodes

      It is a truly huge wind farm.

      25 years ago one of my grandsons played on an AAU traveling baseball team that qualified (in Virginia) for their age-group national championship playoffs. Our family all flew from Virginia out to Riverside CA for the playoffs. Some of the games were played in Palm Springs, so on those days we drove down there, and we passed what was already a sprawling wind farm back then.

      That also explains why you see multiple different types of wind mills. 25 years is a long time, and a lot of advances have been made.

  2. Salamander

    I don't understand people who think these big wind turbines are "ugly" and refuse to allow them within view of their homes.

    1. rick_jones

      They are cell towers where birds have no perch. I wouldn’t go so far as to call them “ugly,” but compared to the view in those three pictures were they not present, the view is definitely degraded.

      Necessary lesser evil.

    2. bouncing_b

      Maybe 20 years ago I heard a climate activist say "one of the most important things you can do is teach your kids that windmills are beautiful".

      Did Dutch people 300 years ago think their windmills were beautiful? I'd guess not but we sure do today.

      Me, I can't quite say "beautiful" but a wind farm gives me a nice warm feeling. Kevin, please give us more beautiful photos of these things.

    3. buckyor

      I was involved in siting a wind farm in Wisconsin about 20 years ago. All kinds of issues are raised in opposition: the impact on birds and bats, the hum of the turbines turning, flicker of light, visual impairment, interference with airplane flight lanes, probably some I can't remember. Those who have the turbines located on their property don't mind, largely I suppose because the leases provide a nice stream of income for an extended period of time. But those who may be nearby but don't have the benefits of a lease seem to be more bothered. We found that some time the answer was simply to add or relocate a turbine or two to essentially buy off some of the objectors.

  3. thersites3

    Last year I drove with a friend from Tucson to Los Angeles ... first time I'd ever made that drive and I was frustrated that because of our schedule we were unable to stop and take pictures. It was a perfect time for it, broken clouds and late in the afternoon. I need to do it again when I'm not in a damn hurry.
    I don't comment often but I always enjoy your photographs.

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