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Lunchtime Photo

This is a mystery bird at the San Diego Zoo. I followed it around and took some pictures, but I never IDed it off one of the signs. Perhaps someone in comments can help us?

UPDATE: It's a Tambourine Dove. Thanks, Steve!

October 9, 2020 — San Diego Zoo, San Diego, California

6 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. Steve_OH

    That's a Tambourine Dove. Fairly common in sub-Saharan Africa, but tends to stay within thick woodland vegetation, so easily overlooked.

    1. KawSunflower

      Yes, each time there's a question of identification, I suspect that he has already provided it from his wealth of knowledge - the title of an Isaac Babel book comes to mind: You Must Know Everything.

    2. KawSunflower

      Yes, each time there's a question of identification, I suspect that he has already provided it from his wealth of knowledge - the title of an Isaac Babel book comes to mind: You Must Know Everythinv..

  2. KawSunflower

    WP comments take so long to post that when the text remains in the box, but it appears under just "Leave a Reply," rather than the name of the individual to whom the comment is directed, I now realize that THIS is the (bad) reason that comments may appear in the wrong place. Timing is everything, it appears. But what accounts for not seeing a comment posted, with the text remaining in the box, then seeing the message that I've "already said that" after I click on "post comment"

    Had tried to delete orange text when it still showed, but not as a reply to another comment. Never thought I would miss Coral.

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