I have the peculiar ability to wake up anytime I want without an alarm clock, and apparently my unconscious mind can do this too. I had already decided not to bother with the lunar eclipse this morning, but at about 3:30 I woke up, allegedly to "go to the bathroom." But as my unconscious mind knew, once I was up I'd be sure to look out the window to check out the moon, and that was that. It took only a few seconds to decide that as long as I was up I might as well shoot a few pictures.
The sky here in Irvine was mostly clear near the horizon, with only wisps of clouds here and there. Here's a closeup of the moon a few minutes after the end of totality. As you can see, with the moon in eclipse stars are clearly visible—though I don't know what they are:
And here's a wider angle view right at the start of totality:
I got up to see it, but couldn't because it was cloudy. Bleh.
It looks pretty.
In the top photo, the pair of dimmer stars near the Moon are ω2 Scorpii (left) and ω1 Scorpii (right). The brighter star a little further to the right is β Scorpii, which also has its own name: Acrab.
The sky was already getting light here before the action really got started.
Really nice telephoto shot. Crisp.
Did the Blood Moon make the cats nuts?
That's a great shot!! In Albuquerque, from the back balcony, we were able to watch the moon disappear ... and as it did, it entered a thin layer of cloud that's frequently near the western horizon in the morning. The clouds thickened toward the horizon, so we never saw the moon emerge, and it was never as brilliantly clear as your photo. And the predicted "redness"? Forget it.
So I've been enjoying photos from other parts of the world. The WaPo had a nice global montage.
Looks like 44, 51 and 58 Ophiuchi. But your image is reversed.