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7 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. Steve_OH

    It's the largest flying bird in the world.

    It's the largest bird of prey* in the world, but probably not the largest flying bird. If by "largest," you mean "heaviest," then individual Kori Bustards and Great Bustards have been measured to be significantly heavier than the heaviest individual Andean Condor, although on average the males of the bustards are comparable to the condor (female bustards are much smaller).

    On the other hand, if you mean "greatest wingspan," then the Snowy Albatross is a contender, although it's very close.

    *If you count New World vultures as birds of prey; they are at least bird of prey-adjacent, but they're in their own family.

  2. Heysus

    I swear there is one on the pond, at the back of my house, eating all of the little birds, great blue, all the new ducklings, and after the eagles. It is actually a Merlin and is wiping out our bird population.
    I am beginning to think they are repulsives with feathers....

  3. dspcole

    Reminds me of a trick my old dog used to do where I would put a Milk Bone on his nose and then he would flip it in the air and catch it. Never could get my cats to do that….

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