This is a cute little bushtit about to launch itself off a rose stem in our front yard. The bushtit is not an especially impressive bird, but I was happy to get this exciting action shot to share with you.
4 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo”
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With Kenny Loggins playing in the background and two "Tomcats" about the pounce on that little Mig, there's plenty of action in that front yard!
Bushtits are VERY accomplished little birds. Not only do they maintain a "flock" -- actually known as a "troop" among bushtits -- which for all the world looks like a group of Charlie Chaplins browsing randomly among the shrubbery, but they also make spectacular oriole-like handing nests from spider silk and tiny twigs.
They are a marvel,
You make me wish that there were some here where I place food between the trees for "my' flock. Since our mismanagement company otherwise known as an HOA banned bird feeders on balconies & patios, I took my beautiful feeders down b4 the warning about birds being harmed by contaminated food was known- & now there is less sparring, less deprivation of the hesitant birds, & no need to clean feeders.