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15 thoughts on “Merry Christmas

    1. MarissaTipton

      I just got paid 7268 Dollars Working off my Laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, My Divorced friend yr02 has twin toddlers and made 0ver $ 13892 her first m0nth. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so dg02 much less.

      This is what I do....................> > >

  1. bebopman

    Never fails to make my Christmas merrier and brighter. Thank you. And a Merry Christmas to the Drum household. I assume the Lords of the Manor got everything they could want: Boxes in which to hide and colorful wrapping to shred into tiny pieces that the servants will continue to find in August. Do the lords a-leaping (the song says you need eight more) prefer paper wrapping or that more metallic stuff?

  2. dilbert dogbert

    My wife took the children and grand children to Loreto Mx for a week before Christmas and Mx gave them all colds. Fun Fun. Even so they had a great time. For 3 of the grandkids, it was the first time they had met. We are still trying to get the 3 FloriDoh! kids out and back near us.

  3. KawSunflower

    It's a Monday, so couldn't you have featured both Hilbert & Charlie?

    Hope that all of you have had a couple of relaxing days.

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