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24 thoughts on “My blog is finally an adult

  1. bbleh

    Well, this is America, so obviously buy a gun.

    Can't immediately come up with any tax advantages to having it adopt you.

  2. drfood4

    Does that go back to the original Calpundit? I think sharing some content from 20+ years ago would be a good way to celebrate. I hope you have it archived!

  3. cld

    You have to take your blog out somewhere and get blitzed out of your gourds and see a show, like Miley Cyrus or something, and then get blitzed some more and you both end up in a hotel somewhere and the next morning realize you are looking out the window at a place you have no idea where it is and it turns out to be Vegas.

    That's what happened when I turned 21, except it was the Ramones and Winnetka, IL and somebody's apartment.

    1. MikeTheMathGuy

      I had two final exams on my 21st birthday (mid-December, exam week of the fall semester). A few minutes after midnight, two friends surprised me with a glazed donut from the "study break room" downstairs in the dorm, sang "Happy Birthday", and left.

      Sounds like yours was more fun.

  4. rick_jones

    The age of majority in California seems to be 18, so your blog has been able to enter into contracts for several years now, just not allowed to celebrate with champagne.

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