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Mysterious blur overruns Drum home

Apologies for the lack of posting this morning. I've been engaged in a vitally important photographic mission trying to identify a strange blur that showed up in our house a couple of days ago. So far I've not had much luck, but I'll keep trying.

26 thoughts on “Mysterious blur overruns Drum home

  1. ScentOfViolets

    How has Hilbert been reacting to Hopper's absence? When we lost Babs aka Smaug (at least to me, she considered me a rival for our mistresses affection) Sonny pinged her with his Siamese yowl thing every night and sometimes mornings and afternoons for several months . But then our Sonny is a very needy cat. And even Babs -- Babs! -- would accommodate him.

    1. HokieAnnie

      When my sheltie Mac passed away his buddy Vixen was inconsolable, she was wining almost to the point of howling, it was driving us crazy. So that pushed us to get her a buddy ASAP. Three months later we brought Thunder home and she was like a mother to him.

      I guess some animals are just really needy and cannot live without a buddy.

      1. Ken Rhodes

        Very likely, after years of living together the loss is much more significant than the void would have been had the other never been there.

        1. HokieAnnie

          The interesting corollary to the story was that when Vixen passed we had become a three dog household, Thunder's brother Raleigh had joined us so the brothers had to deal with their mother hen passing. They seemed okay but there was friction as Vixen wasn't around to tell the boys to knock it off when got into tussles. So we ended up getting another bossy girl Fiver.

    2. Salamander

      We had a pair of littermate brothers. When one had to be put down in 2020 at the too-young age of 16, his brother seemed oblivious. No signs of distress, or looking for his lost mate, nothing. In retrospect, it was probably best that way.

    1. Jasper_in_Boston

      Kevin: just realized by reading through the thread (AFTER posting, naturally) that one of your cats recently went to Feline Heaven. My condolences. Didn't mean to come across as insensitive.

  2. ScentOfViolets

    While I'm agnostic on human heaven, I'm quite sure there is a dog heaven and a cat heaven. There are humans in both places of course. But in dog heaven humans are the same as they are here because dogs like us just the way we are. In cat heaven? Humans are about two inches tall ;-0

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