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16 thoughts on “Noted without comment

          1. J. Frank Parnell

            They are the new ugly Americans. One used to be able to avoid them by visiting areas that didn't have good internet connections, but no more. Thanks, Elon!!

            1. Altoid

              Well, 30 or 40 years ago it was Japanese tourists who were bothering locals everywhere-- moving in packs, taking pictures of each other (this was BSE-- before the selfie era) at every site they visited, leaving little piles of pebbles everywhere. In some ways like a lot of Americans, in Europe especially. The play's the same, just different actors in the roles.

    1. lawnorder

      I've travelled the world a fair bit and have observed about the same proportion of self-centered assholes everywhere.

  1. different_name

    Sure hope the gondolier is properly compensated for their trouble, but otherwise this looks like a fairly well-calibrated self-executing punishment for antisocial behavior.

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