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12 thoughts on “Oil prices explained

  1. aldoushickman

    Widespread adoption of EVs cannot come soon enough. I look forward to the day when a desperate Putin is frantically trying to keep his gangster-kingdom afloat on the back of $10 a barrel oil that nobody is buying anymore.

      1. MontyTheClipArtMongoose

        Both are just new flavors of Idi Amin.

        They really don't make em like they used to. The 1970s had Carlos the Jackal, Black September, & apex level Irish Republican Army, plus Idi Amin, the Argentine junta, & Pol Pot, while we're stuck with the Kanadian Konveyance Konvoy, Viktor Orban, & the dashing, virile men of the Trump lineage.

  2. illilillili

    You know how you tell people to use inflation adjusted dollars over multiple years? I think that might be appropriate here...

    1. galanx

      In inflation adjusted dollars, $1.00 in 2020 is worth $1.08 now. The price of oil has gone up from below $20 to over $100. At 8% compared to over 500%, I don't think we need to plug it in as a great part of our calculations.

  3. GrueBleen

    Errr, shouldn't that be "Putin is getting richer" ? After, the Tsar of All the Russias does own everything in Russia, doesn't he ?

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