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Only in death does Trump part

It's been a bit of a slow blogging week around here. On Monday I had a four-hour infusion. On Tuesday I met with my oncologist and then had a long lunch with a friend. On Wednesday I had my fourth—and hopefully last—eye adjustment. Thursday was crash day. Friday was also crash day. And then Saturday was crash day too. This new chemo regimen is a real bitch.

Plus, after a long illness and therefore not at all unexpectedly, Marian's aunt died. M and her sister have spent the past couple of days arranging affairs and sorting out the house, and on Saturday they brought home a treasure. So to make up for my slothfulness last week, I present to you surely the most valuable part of Auntie's estate. Behold.

31 thoughts on “Only in death does Trump part

  1. tigersharktoo

    And I assume TFG gave approval of that image? Fat chin, fat face, fat....

    Put it in a safe deposit box and in a Century or two it may be worth a dollar.

    On a serious note, our sympathiesand best wishes to you and M at this time.

    1. edutabacman

      "And I assume TFG gave approval of that image? Fat chin, fat face, fat...."

      On the other hand, nice detail on the hair. What's with that long sideburn being combed backwards? Hiding the USB plug?

      1. rick_jones

        Heh, limit ten per customer but the quantity selector lets one go well past that… consistency is for fools I guess…

        1. Rich Beckman

          People think "Hey! Something's amiss and I can buy more than ten!! What luck!"

          It's intentional.

          1. ScentOfViolets

            I do believe you have hit the nail on the head, sir. I wouldn't be at all surprised if those who ordered more than ten were targeted for further fleecing.

      2. J. Frank Parnell

        Genuine 24k gold plate! Nothing to good for fans of the Donald . . . or is it no trick too cheap to fool the fans of the Donald?

  2. MontyTheClipArtMongoose

    Was Tuesday lunch with your "sensible conservative" friend who also happens to be quite concerned with Hunter's laptop?

    1. fnordius

      Alas, any carving would scrape away the gold plating to reveal the cheap metals underneath. A coin like this one is ill suited for that.

      It's just a cheap, tawdry souvenir of bad taste.

    1. Salamander

      I know a number of 70+ folks who are into the whole gold thing. As if it's got an intrinsic value beyond being just another commodity. Reminds me of that old Twilight Zone episode...

    2. J. Frank Parnell

      Not even a gold coin in this case, rather a gold plated coin. Intrinsic value? Zip, zero, nada, nul.

    3. jte21

      I'm sure the recent inflation spike has given birth to a 1000 new gold scams aimed at older people who are concerned about inflation eroding their savings. It's not irrational, but it's also a mug's game if you're not some immensely sophisticated institutional investor.

  3. jte21

    Are you sure that it isn't some kind of joke? Look at that bloated, puckered backpfeifegesicht! Don't real Trump supporters go for those neofascist-realist portraits of him posing like some Nordic god on the golf course or something?

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