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Our updated score: Republicans 95, Democrats 1

I have received a request to update my old chart showing the number of politically-related criminal convictions per administration. Happy to oblige:

You may think the Trump number looks low, but for some reason all those cabinet members who resigned for dodgy behavior never got criminally convicted of anything. According to Wikipedia, anyway.

Anyway, the score is now 95-1.

17 thoughts on “Our updated score: Republicans 95, Democrats 1

  1. NealB

    OT but just out and sickening:

    It's horrifying, so you have to click the View link to see what this cop just did. This is why we say 'defund the police.' Way too many gutless monsters with police badges. The cop was immediately terminated.

    1. James Bowater

      Strangely enough, when a person is shot, the rounds go through the body an hit anything around them . But in this video, didn’t see any bullet holes in the door or other places .

      1. mostlystenographicmedia

        Yeah, I’m going to stop you right there. I have no interest in watching yet another police murder, so full disclosure I haven’t viewed the video.

        However, I’m guessing by the Twitter title alone, that an officer drew and used his sidearm. Highly likely a 9mm Glock or something similar. 9mm’s are notorious for low kinetic energy, which is why some prefer 45 cal.

        So no, in the case of a 9mm, there shouldn’t be a spray of bullet holes behind a hit object.

  2. royko

    The Nixon admin was dirty, but part of the reason they are such an outlier was there was a real effort to prosecute. During Iran/Contra it was decided we didn't want another Nixon so they let a lot slide, and ever since it has been the norm not to prosecute Republicans. Meanwhile they went after both Clintons and to some extent Obama and came up with bupkis.

  3. ronp

    Holy cow, I think we need to go back and prosecute the Trump morons. Wasn't there an EPA guy? Commerce? Damn there were so many.

  4. evermore

    Can you give a bit more detail on how you came up with the numbers? Going to wikipedia, I see 8 administration officials for the Bush Jr. who were convicted, not 16. The 56 for Nixon/Ford cannot all be administration officials, or at least wikipedia does not show that many entries. Thanks!

    1. KenSchulz

      The chart label says ‘Convictions’, not ‘Persons Convicted’. Likely some were convicted on multiple counts? Roger Stone alone was convicted of seven felonies, though he doesn’t count because he never held an official position.

  5. Terry the Censor

    Regarding Irab/Contra: several people who performed criminal acts were given immunity in exchange for their testimony. Caspar Weinberger was pardoned before he could be tried.

  6. Krowe

    "...but for some reason all those cabinet members who resigned for dodgy behavior never got criminally convicted of anything. "

    Fear of appearing retaliatory. plus IOKIYAAR.

    Too bad, since failing to prosecute the obvious crimes means folks feel free to commit more without fear of consequence.

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