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Personal income rose 1.3% in November

If it's inflation day that means it's also personal income day. Adjusted for inflation, disposable personal income increased at an annual rate of 1.3% in November:

After accounting for inflation, disposable personal income is up 10% since the start of the pandemic.

4 thoughts on “Personal income rose 1.3% in November

  1. Doctor Jay

    Of course, this is why it is so aggravating to read about how mad people are about the economy. (Also why my own personal prediction about the election was wrong). By every measure I know, it's doing well.

    I harbor some paranoid suspicions about Russian influence ops, funded by oil money because of it. But that's not something I have any evidence of.

  2. SwamiRedux

    ...disposable personal income is up 10% since the start of the pandemic.

    Wait. Didn't voters just tell us the economy was in a shambles and they couldn't afford groceries?

  3. Leo1008

    I don’t think I’m the only one who, on the one hand, grants there must be some truth to these findings, but, on the other hand, doesn’t feel like they apply to me:

    “After accounting for inflation, disposable personal income is up 10% since the start of the pandemic.”

    My own income has been flat for years. Things are even at the point where I begin to think of changing my employment situation (in some way).

    So I just dont know who exactly are the people out there with as much as 10% more disposable personal income since the start of the pandemic, but I do know that I don’t seem to be one of them.

    That said, I really do appreciate the Biden presidency. Things could be far worse: we could be in a recession, we could have high unemployment, we could still have our own troops getting killed in endless foreign wars. But we don’t. That said, I’d really like a raise 😐

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