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Pete Hegseth is a devout Christian

Let me get this straight. While he was married (to his second wife) Pete Hegseth started an affair with a Fox producer. They had a child out of wedlock in August 2017. Two months later Hegseth had a drunken hookup with a third woman¹ who showed signs of rough handling and filed a complaint with the police. Last year he paid the woman to keep quiet because he was afraid if the hookup went public it could result in "immediate termination" from his job.²

But he's a Christian, and that's why he sports tattoos from the Crusades that also happen to be favored by white nationalists.³ Uh huh.

¹While on a road trip speaking to the California Federation of Republican Women!

²At Fox News!

³Just a coincidence!

57 thoughts on “Pete Hegseth is a devout Christian

  1. Cycledoc

    Anyone remember the scandal when Adlai Stevenson a divorced man ran for president. The republicans made it a big campaign issue.

    How times change. We will have a republican president (3 wives) convicted of sexually abuse (several other women claim much the same); an Attorney General nominee accused of sex with a 17 YO highschool kid; a white supremist DOD nominee on his third wife accused of sexual assault and all of the above as noted by Kevin; a leading financial supporter with 12 kids with a girl friend and a wife..the kids by IVF and a surrogate. And finally a serial philanderer vaccine denier heading all the health agencies promising to take a break from infectious disease and cancer research just after over a million Americans died in a pandemic of an infectious disease.

    What could go right in the coming administration.

      1. Elctrk

        As I recall, the Kimba Wood deal was that she didn't pay the employer portion of FICA and Medicare, and possibly UI tax. There were a few people tripped up by thitat the time, lots of upper middle class folks who basically had domestic help paid in cash.

        1. Srho

          Ah, that's the thing. It was Zoë Baird who hired & paid a nanny illegally; when Wood was nominated, the stink of Baird made "nanny" a dirty word, even though Wood followed the law.

        2. treeeetop57

          Your post uses neuter words “people” and “folks” when it should have used feminine words. No man was ever not confirmed because he hired a nanny, whether or not he paid the payroll taxes.

  2. aldoushickman

    "...he sports tattoos from the Crusades that also happen to be favored by white nationalists."

    That's just German for "the Bart, the".

  3. J. Frank Parnell

    If right wing Christians really believe the bible is the inerrant word of God, when are they going get serious and start putting adulterers to death as the old testimate demands?

    1. aldoushickman

      Not sure when, but it'll have to be after they actually read the Bible.

      Consider how few people are even aware that the very first book of the Bible has not one but two accounts of God creating humans and that these accounts actually conflict with each other.

      Espousing belief in the Bible is the same thing as wearing a hat with a logo on it: it's a tribal signifier, not an indication of a set of first principles from which the person's thoughts and actions flow.

  4. Salamander

    Well, you heathens just don't get it. If you say you're a "Christian", that means you're forgiven. So you can do anything! It's all "forgiven"!

    Those do-gooder, woke Democrats can't match that.

  5. dilbert dogbert

    I was pondering if there was an evil idea behind his nominating crappots. The weak mind thought maybe this is a “draw”. The draw like a pile of shit to draw flies. When these are shitcanned he will nominate the really competent evil ones. At that point all major media will run stories that he has finally become presidential.

    1. aldoushickman

      I know we want to search for plots and schemes because it means at least that the folks at the top, if nothing else, know what they are doing. But it's extremely unlikely that Trump would nominate sycophantic clowns so that he can waste months/a year of his presidency on some pantomime before installing the *real* cabinet of sycophantic technocrats.

      The far more likely scenario is that Trump really is this stupid. He doesn't care or understand what these agencies do, and he feels that his (moronic) gut instincts are validated by winning the presidency again, so he's going to nominate exactly the same sort of clownshow he has always wanted: servile incompetents.

      Consider how much time he spent during his first presidency on the phone with Sean Hannity of all people. Trump is that idiot who looks at fox news and thinks "These guys really get it!"

      1. Yehouda

        ... Trump really is this stupid. ... ... he's going to nominate exactly the same sort of clownshow he has always wanted: servile incompetents.

        What is stupid about that?
        Irresponsible, corrupt, destructive - obviously (and dangerously so). But why stupid?

        Trump is that idiot who looks at fox news and thinks "These guys really get it!"

        He looks for servile incompetents, there are many in Foxnews.

      2. Art Eclectic

        I was just listening to a Robert Reich podcast where he suggested that this is Trump casting for a reality show - looking for fights and drama that will keep viewers hooked. Looking through that lens, it all makes more sense now.

        Our next administration is a giant reality TV show. It has nothing to do with competence or any higher agenda, it's about delivering good TV with lots of brawls and drama. It's a survivor type of plot with loyalists up against the establishment in a winner take all competition where the big money is teed up to quadruple their investment.

    2. QuakerInBasement

      My theory is that Trump's worst picks are payback to the people he feels were disloyal in his first term.

      "Bill Barr? You're so worthless that I can replace you with THIS moron! Mad Dog Mattis? How do you like THESE apples, huh?"

      1. danove

        I agree. He's a simple man and any explanation other than a simple one doesn't fit. But I would expand your targets to anyone who doesn't think he's wonderful. The appointments are a giant "screw you" to any who don't bow down. "Look at me! I am the President. I have the power. What good is power if I don't use it to humiliate my enemies.?"

  6. cld

    Almost everyone will look at this goofus think what a slug, and almost none of them will do anything at all because it will always seem too distant from this particular idiot to be meaningful.

    But it isn't. It's time to pick up that potato salad and smack your uncle full in the face with it with everything you've got because you will never need to see that shit rag again.

    1. Doctor Jay

      I don't suppose you realize that the Abolitionist movement of the early 19th Century was deeply rooted in Christianity, then?

    2. J. Frank Parnell

      The book of Matthew (new testament) is dam clear, as the lord condemns the righteous to everlasting hell, they ask him:

      "Lord, when did we see thee hungry, and not feed thee? or thirsty, and not gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and did not take thee in? or naked, and did not cloth thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and did not come unto thee?"

      The Lord replies: "Verily I say unto you, in as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

      It really doesn't matter. The Christian religion, catholic and protestant, were, with some notable exceptions, big boosters of Adolph Hitler, so this is just an encore production with a new cast. As Gandhi once observed, he had no problem with Christianity, only with Christians.

      1. FrankM

        To listen to the R's talking, you'd think "advice and consent" meant rubber stamp. "It's the Senate's duty to confirm all nominees."

  7. Brett

    Two months later Hegseth had a drunken hookup with another woman¹ who showed signs of rough handling and filed a complaint with the police.

    I would call it "rape", since he roofied her while she was working as his handler (and had her husband and children in the hotel too).

    I'm sure he does consider himself a Christian, in the sense that a lot of the Right consider themselves Christian on cultural identity grounds even if they don't actually practice Christian beliefs, attend church, and probably couldn't name more than a tenet or three of the religion if you asked them.

    1. Anandakos

      You certain 'bout that? 'Cause he's not an official yet, and could come down on you hard. That's a pretty clear accusation of a serious crime.

      1. Brett

        Unlike you, I don't think Pete Hegseth is hanging around getting angry and making defamation threats in the comments of liberal bloggers.

        But yes, I should have included "allegedly" in my original comment.

  8. akapneogy

    Every Hegseth or Gaetz nomination (and, for that matter Gabbard or RFK Jr nomination) destroys the standard not just for nominated personnel, but the respective institutions as well. This is the way institutions are destroyed and dictators consolidate their power.

  9. Anandakos

    Achtung, winzig Menschen! Uberlegene Gene in der Bevölkerung weit müssen verbreitet sein! Frauen, öffnet eure Herzen (und eure Beine) für diesen großartigen arischen Supermann!

  10. Dana Decker

    Tattoo has four-fold symmetry, which is also what the White Pride symbol exhibits, along with that for the KKK.

    Oh, and the Nazi swastika has four fold symmetry.

    I've spent time in white power websites and they so, so much want to have a swastika, but can't, so strive for something close (often a mangling of Celtic symbols). Four-fold symmetry and 90° angles are common features with these swastika-like symbols.

    ALSO: On his right arm is a 13-star American flag where the bottom stripe is a silhouette of an AR-15–style rifle. He looks like one of the manliest men of our times. And - this is important - if he looks the part, that's a requirement for casting-agent Trump as he assembles a team for his third reality show (Apprentice, Term On, and now Term Two). But for a mega-maga-stud, the chest hair is dweeby. He should keep his shirt on.

  11. sdean7855

    The Latin....
    There's possibly some subtlety in the use of the irregular Latin verb volo, I wish,which the God-shouting may have missed in framing this.

    I have always seen this as Deo vult (it is willed by God) or Deo volante, much like Inshallah, God willing (and the creek don't rise). It implies a certainty humility....much like the adage, Man proposes, God disposes...what do I know of God, of His Will and Purpose?

    Deus vult is something in the flavor of an imperative, assuming to know the Mind of God, His Will and Purpose. An overreach. The sort of thing that the Inquisition would have said.

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