In a poll released last week, Fox News asked people who was more favored in the United States these days: whites or minorities? Here's a chart showing how various groups responded:
I wish they had included a category for Fox News viewers. I'll bet it would have been even higher than Trump voters.
It'd be even higher if they just isolated it to Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham viewers.
And here we see "White Rage" in action.
Economic anxiety, you mean.
OT: It appears that Tucker Carlson's bizarre complaint about the NSA reading his emails was a planned pretext to allow Kevin McCarthy to ask Devin Nunes to investigate the NSA's sidelining of Nunes' former staffer, Michael Ellis.
My kid would've (insert goal here: e.g. promotion or gotten into Harvard or...) if it wasn't for affirmative action!
I've worked hard all my life and paid my taxes! (Nonwhite people are lazy and dishonest.)
I've never been given any special advantages! (Disadvantages? Who has those?)
I've never asked for a handout! (All my benefits and subsidies are earned.)
Wah wah wah. MAGA world is little more than a giant nursery of pathological crybabies.
lol to this dumb post. MAGA is nothing but globalism. Why do think Trump flooded the US with 3 million more illegal immigrants.
mmmm, because am thinking perhaps iz not reply by natively-English-speaking Amerikanski but wery weak attempt to, mmm, focus on current Republican, what is phrase, red herring?
There is no red herring. Illegal immigration surged under Donald Trump while foreign trafficking lead by the Russian mob surged. It was all part of the plan.
Drilling to the core of Bullshit Mountain.
It’s easy to forget how long Fox News has been at this.
Is this the 2006 clip of Bernie Sanders yukking it up with Lou Dobbs about illegals?
... Oops, Lou was still on CNN then, & Bernie was still a white nationalist.
Chaos on Bullshit Mountain - meaning at Fox News - pretty funny.
Jon Stewart said in video, "Are there no rules on bullshit mountain?"
The nut of Stewart’s segment comes at the end. At Bullshit Mountain, aka Fox News:
“If they have success, they built it. If they fail, the government ruined it for them. If they get a break, they deserve it. If you get a break, it’s a hand out and an entitlement.”
Fox has always been about stoking white grievance.
& now, Jon Stewart is climbing that Bullshit Mountain, with his shilling for the INTENTIONAL PEOPLE'S LIBERATION ARMY LABLEAK explanation for the Rona Plandemic.
Yes, you would think the Georgia massacre would give him pause before cavalierly jumping onto that train without evidence.
Since a quarter of the Republican party is non-white, this poll is worthless. Its like pigeonholing somebody around moments of time, that make little sense. The Trump voters are mostly Republicans at its core. The swing voter which Trump did well with is a different kind of voter entirely.
Bottoms up, Shootie!
Lol, a quarter of the Republican Party is non-white? In what alternative universe, and what color is the sky there? Please to be consulting Doctor Google reference-tool, available on same computer as this blogsite. Spasibo.
I think it's an allusion to that Matt Bruenig tweet that more than half of El Jefe's 2016 vote came from women & people of color.
Yes, it is. Sorry, but I don't count race mixed Cubans "white".
More to the point, questions like this are useless for UNDERSTANDING (they're great for mocking...) because the phrase is understood differently by different readers.
Does "more favored" mean equal outcomes or equal opportunities? Does it refer to the "most successful" (let's use wealth as a proxy) groups in the US (you DO know what those groups are, don't you...)
Does it mean treated better (whatever that means) by SOCIETY or by THE US GOVERNMENT?
Does it mean being born with more money in the bank, or being born with more specific laws on your side.
etc etc
If you read any comments on the story at Fox, it's no wonder a poll could find results like that.
A small sample below. Read 'em & weep. Ladies and gentlemen, our fellow Americans:
Just out of curiosity I asked a group of young coworkers about CRT and could not believe that not one had a clue, one even suggested I fell for a conspiracy theory. 13 walking zombies. We’re in trouble !
Those voters also do not know the Capitol of North Dakota.
They should familiarize themselves with 'The Bell Curve' instead.
Rome built aqueducts in 312 B.C. In Nigeria, Lagos had only 1% of the population connected to sewers in 2006.
Precisely why it should be made way, way, way more difficult to vote.
We demand a recount. In fact, we demand several recounts and throw out all of the ballots made from bamboo.
Is there a difference between Fox News Viewers and Trump voters? It seems to me that they're pretty much the same.
Here's the Venn diagram:
I’m surprised the numbers are that low. Is there any question that minorities are favored more than whites currently.
Corporate policy absolutely. I think it was wrong to get away from 2000's formula which was working on that particular brand of marketing. Instead corporate boards gave in to political pressure and "white hole" in finance after the credit boom ended. Hoping nonwhites would save the system.
Its a huge missing piece in the whole "woke" thing. If corporations would stop sponsoring it, it would go away.
This is why we must elect Josh Hawley & Tulsi Gabbard to the White House. Only then, under a national unity regime of reichwing white grievance & fauxgressive white grievance can America rise again.
I’m surprised the numbers are that low. Is there any question that minorities are “favored” more than whites currently.
So just out of curiosity, are the quotation marks in the second version of the comment meant to be a Trump-style attempt at deniability? Like, I didn't really mean it myself, but you know, many people are saying ...
Note for future reference: it didn't work for him either.
Also, please tell me you would prefer to have been born, say, Black, to Black parents and grandparents and so on, with all the "favor" you would enjoy today. Please tell me you believe you would be better off today, or even close to as well off. Please tell me you honestly sincerely believe that.
No. My original post (above) didn’t have quotes. When I hit Post it said I’d already posted the same comment. But it didn’t show as being posted. Tried again and same thing. So I made a change and that was the first thing I thought of. Of course the. It immediately posted both my comments. Don’t read anything into the question marks as they weren’t my original intent.
And no, I don’t wish I was black. Obviously whites have historically benefitted as a result of their race. But at the current time there’s no question blacks are favored. That doesn’t mean that current favoritism is enough to make up for prior hardships.
The point being, whites CURRENTLY benefit as a result of their race. Merely BEING white is to be "favored" in manifold and highly valuable ways, as a result both of simple historical legacy and of attitudes and biases built over history into systems from housing to hiring to funding to law enforcement to justice to voting rights to many other things, (The latter is what is meant by "systemic" racism, in case that wasn't abundantly clear). To say that Blacks are "favored" in any comparable way is at best amazingly ignorant and willing bad faith at worst.
You should go into burned out industrial towns and burned out fossil fuel villa's which are 95% white. Tell me then if they are the "favored" people. With the former at least, Obama era Democrats seemed to have something going on in 2008. There was a movement building to rebuild America and end globalized nonsense of supply chains. They sadly threw it away with corporate friendly policies which always turned into something about gay marriage by the end. William Jennings Bryan, Sam Watson and Marian Butler are moving in their graves.
Then you wonder why Trump won swing voters in the north twice. At least Biden is sorta trying.
One quick example to illustrate where I’m coming from. There were articles in the paper recently about how our local university (USF) has a phone call campaign to convince black applicants to come to USF. Blacks were favored by the university. They wanted as many as possible for the incoming class. Whites were not favored.
Well, I happen to live in a burned-out former coal center, and let me tell you for a historical fact of long standing, the White residents are wealthy and privileged lords and masters compared to the Black residents, such few as have managed to survive.
The whining of White people knows no end. And it's just as nauseating as it is ingrained.
And dear sweet FSM, please do not righteously cite "favors" intended specifically to overcome -- in small and partial ways -- the CURRENT effects of systemic racism -- through which Whites are massively favored -- as some kind of proof that Blacks are "more favored."
"Yeah, we burned their village, slaughtered their livestock, and stole half their children for servants, but hey, we left them a dozen copies of the Bible and some seed corn, and if those aren't favors then I don't know what you'd call them!"
The white residents are wealthy??? In what manner and I don't agree at all. I sorta doubt you do. My grandparents lived in a burned out coal town in West Virginia and going back there in the 90's brutal growing up. It was worse than the ghetto in my view.
You sound like a elitist Grover Cleveland like character bbleh, chewing in your gold piece.
I didn’t burn anyone’s village. Therefore is shouldn’t be forced to be disadvantaged.
Shit Atticus, the whole burned their village and left a few bibles comment was so dumb, even he didn't know what he was talking about.
How nice that you actually visited WV. May I invite you to come live here? And be Black? And have grown up here Black, with Black parents / grandparents / etc? I'm sure you'd find your views validated. Or ... perhaps not.
And btw, nobody is claiming that Whites here are "wealthy" in any national context (although some are very well off indeed, not least our Governor). The point -- which you seem determined not to understand -- is the massive comparative advantages conferred on Whites by systemic racism, and the utter speciousness of claims -- almost exclusively from comfortably well-off Whites -- of "Black being "favored."
It's frankly disgusting to the point of being depraved.
Aaah, and now we get the "well *I* didn't own any slaves, so why should *I* have to deal with the legacy of slavery?" argument.
Because, as should be BLINDINGLY evident by this point, you benefit TODAY from the legacy of slavery. You benefit TODAY from historical racism. You benefit TODAY from systemic racism. You DO benefit from the burning of the village.
Oh and btw that's all quite apart from the notion of fidelity to America's founding premises as laid out in its founding documents -- all that silly "men created equal" stuff, you know -- and some perhaps civic duty to help build a more just society -- you know?
No, you probably don't. "I got mine, what do I care?"
... and "forced to be disadvantaged?"
Truly depraved.
Correct. I didn’t own any slaves so I don’t have to deal with the legacy of slavery. You say that sarcastically. I do not.
Shooter and Atticus are going for the Rod Dreher defense: compare the poorest whites to the richest blacks (never compare poor to poor or wealthy to wealthy) and proclaim that it;s unfair to let any black person have a higher income than any white person as long as there's a sing;e white person in poverty.
"I wish they had included a category for Fox News viewers. I'll bet it would have been even higher than Trump voters."
I doubt it. I saw too many interviews of Trump people in the last year who said Fox is too liberal, except for Sean and Tucker.
And now Bill Barr is too liberal, and so is Liz Cheney, and so is Pence. Stop the steal!
Meanwhile at Fox, Sean and Tucker continue to rake in millions. Sean is worth $250 million, but Tucker badly wants to catch up. Who can be more outrageously pig headed?
I know he's just the stepson, but he isn't milking that Swanson money, yet?
The question was "In general, how do you think things work in the United States today?" In other words, the responses are meaningless. The media - and certain bloggers - obsess far too much about the relentless barrage of polls in America. Can't they examine the entrails of a cat or something, for a bit of variety?
This is interesting, I suppose, but the separation of US society into warring factions is the end result of it all. Heck, we even have our first real warlord funding a militia from South Dakota!
"The move prompted an array of questions in South Dakota about the legality of privately funding National Guard operations, a fuzzy area of the law that officials in the state said had never before been contemplated."
It's another step to civil war... militias run by warlords instead of the established government. Now with full military capabilities. No worries... it's all just normal politics. LOL
All according to your boss's plan.
Anyway, how're Calexit & Greater Idaho coming along?
And it's perfectly "Libertarian", as all the training, benefits, weapons, etc. are all paid for by the federal budget.....
Ah the last gasps of racism !!!
The population of people UNDER the age of 16 is already gone non-white majority and its widely expected that the entire population will shift that way within 25 years.
Yet, at the same time non-white population is LOWER than its been in years. This is due to lowered fertility rates and the great boomer die-off.
Everyone knows this, Kevin: the most persecuted, victimized, oppressed minority in America today, are billionaire white right-wing Evangelicals.
Watching Fox "News" "survey" their own viewers is like watching a trainer make a particularly stupid dog sit and do other tricks: the dog doesn't care what the trick is, it just wants the reward.
This is why we must elect J.D. Vance to the U.S. Senate from Ohio.
I wonder if Rush Limbaugh heir KKKlay Travis will join the campaign as an unofficial advisor.
Divide and conquer