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Raw data: Crime is back to pre-COVID levels

After hearing Republicans tonight talk about the supposedly epic crime wave turning America into a hellhole, it occurred to me that maybe the NCVS had been updated through 2022. And it has! Given the current parlous state of the FBI's crime figures, it's the best source we have for national crime statistics. Here's the latest:

Crime has been down lately but spiked back up in 2022. It's now at about pre-pandemic levels.

8 thoughts on “Raw data: Crime is back to pre-COVID levels

    1. bluegreysun

      To me, the theory that seemed to fit was: homicides get reported, recorded, everytime, and every other crime category (property and violent-but-less-than-homicide) is reported to the police less, and recorded and investigated less.

      So homicides could be up while everything else is down. But just a guess, I know nothing.

  1. Adam Strange

    One defining characteristic of conservatives is their enhanced (compared to liberals) "fear" reaction to anything by which they feel threatened, and that includes a LOT of things.

    1. Salamander

      Yes. And fear leads to anger leads to calls for increased policing and cracking down on suspects and buying guns for "self defense", as if they also assume the police can't do their jobs.

      Given that certain industries make a lot of money this way only exacerbates the problems.

  2. middleoftheroaddem

    I wonder if an element of the property crime decline is a reporting issue.

    I live in California. Some lower level crimes, such as car break ins, now go un reported and thus un counted. In the past, the same event, would likely have been reported and tracked.

    Perhaps the un reported shop lifting etc is not a major driver of total property crime data: or maybe, the data is not capturing the reality. Meaning this chart, over time, may not be apples to apples.

    1. Gilgit

      Rolls eyes. (◔_◔)

      No matter what the actual situation actually is, someone always tries to say something like this. There has never been a time when people, usually right wing hacks or someone blindly repeating right wing hacks, doesn't say something like this.

      ...let us all remember that mythical time when all crimes were reported. Every break in, mugging, and petty crime was reported, but now things are oh so different.

      And it doesn't even matter what the current crime statistics are. If they are going up then the police are so busy why bother reporting it. Nothing will happen. If crime rates are down then it must be because no one is reporting it.

      I could understand a 12 year old believing this, but you don't have to be an old man to know that there is no reason to believe or tell others this.

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