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19 thoughts on “Raw data: Gasoline is cheap!

  1. CAbornandbred

    Tell that to the people having a stroke every time they fill up the tank. Whining about the price of gas is the new water cooler talk.

    1. bbleh

      Also this obviously means the economy is headed for a CRASH something something old senile Joe Biden something everything was good under TRUMP something have you SEEN the price of eggs spare parts apartment rentals?!? It's OUTRAGEOUS!

      1. irtnogg

        Oh yeah, eggs. Last time I checked my local grocery store, they were cheaper than they were five years ago -- pre-pandemic. Not cheaper in inflation-adjusted terms, just plain cheaper.

    2. jte21

      Well, if filling up the tank gives you a stroke, maybe it's time to think about getting a more fuel-efficient vehicle. People buy these massive land barge SUVs or king-cab duelly pickups and then bitch and moan about how much it costs to put gas in them. It's like insisting on wearing Armani shirts to do yard work in and then complaining that the dry cleaning bills are killing you.

  2. Traveller

    Kevin, I saw you mentioned over on Ann Althouse's Blog...I accidentally stumbled in there from LGM...I saw this as interesting, but alas, the link to Washington Monthly is that as it may, and you are perfectly free to delete this query of mine if you wish...but here it is from Ann...(yet she does call you ...."usually a serious blogger...")...What the heck was going on?
    Feel free to observe the claws out on many other websites, where personal attacks on me take the place of any serious effort to engage on the merits. For example, the usually serious blogger Kevin Drum calls me harebrained and a glue sniffer. The vicious attack on the messenger bespeaks fear of the message and lack of a substantive argument against it.

    Best Wishes, Traveller

  3. Traveller

    Yikes, I feel bad about the above post, that was apparently back in apologizes...(still, it seems kind of odd that people have such long memories on such things....I assumed it was current)...again sorry! But as I think about it, you must have been more acerbic back then. Best Wishes, Traveller

    1. Salamander

      Don't feel bad! The right wing outrage machine needs grist, and if they have to go back decades to find it, they'll do it! I hear now they're once again relitigating the Civil War. Some nonsense about a "State's Right To Designate Certain Racial Groups as Property" or something...

  4. Justin

    It will go back up in the next weeks as the idiots in the Middle East prove once again to be the worst people in the world.

    1. Salamander

      Apparently, their self-designated "leaders" are among the worst people in the world. Of all races and religions. What is it about that region, anyway? The regular folks there are ... well, better than "regular." They'd make "Minnesota Nice" look mean spirited.

  5. wvmcl2

    Yes, everyone longs for the days when baby boomers were in high school and gasoline was around 35 cents a gallon. But by my inflation calculator, 35 cents in 1970 is $2.91 today, and the cheapest pump in my area (DC suburbs) has regular for $2.89 at the moment.

    When I consider that the car I drive now gets about twice the gas mileage of the old V8 gas guzzler I drove back then, I figure that driving is cheaper for me now than it has ever been in my lifetime.

    1. bbleh

      See, there you libruls go again, with your "facts" and your "math" and your "analysis." But I know what I know, and I go with my gut, and I don't like it. And I read on Facebook that gas is more expensive than ever in history! Ohhh, we're gonna have an inflation recession, you just mark my words!

    1. tigersharktoo

      Exactly. My observation for years is that the price of gas always goes up when the economy is doing well. Why? The immutable rules of supply and demand. More people working, vacationing, driving....... More people using gas.

      I guess the GOP is anti Capitalism. "The President must do something to lower the price of gas!!!!" Isn't that interfering with the marketplace?

  6. CedarChopper

    I would rather see the price of gas relative to hourly wages. How many hours (or share of) do I need to work to trade for a gallon on gas?

  7. emjayay

    The average per capita income in the US is $36.70 an hour.

    The average price of gas is $3.20 a gallon.

    It takes the average income American paying the average price at the pump about 5 1/4 minutes to pay for a gallon of gas.

  8. pjcamp1905

    Out of curiosity, a couple of days ago I figured out what the current price of gas would have been in the year I first started driving. Accounting for inflation, 47 cents/gallon. That's pretty close to what it actually was, in the 30 cent/gallon range, and by the time I started college it was 50 cents.

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