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Raw data: The top 20 worst airports in the world

Here you go: the worst airports in the world during this, the worst summer for travel in a long time:

Not a bad showing from the US! Chicago Midway and Orlando are hardly showpiece airports, after all. However, the next set of 20 airports is a little more US-centric (JKF, Baltimore, Newark, Las Vegas, Charlotte, Denver, Miami) but doesn't include Los Angeles. I'm surprised at that considering the almost insane levels of bitching that LAX gets from locals. But it comes in at a pretty-good 91st, with only a 21% flight delay record. It must be our good weather.

15 thoughts on “Raw data: The top 20 worst airports in the world

  1. middleoftheroaddem

    I am not surprised to see two Canadian airports at the top of the list. In my humble opinion, Air Canada is a horribly managed airlines and likely materially contributes to the Canadian poor showing.

  2. golack

    Granted, getting to your destination in a timely manner is the goal...
    But having to deal with getting to/from the airport and spending hours there (mostly in line?) would be a different metric. Not sure how easy that data is to find.

  3. KinersKorner

    A took a glance simply because I wanted to see if Peirson was on top. Sure enough it is. Has to be far and away the bottom of the airport barrel. A hassle at every turn. No signage. The only thing it has going for it is polite people - though they may well be incompetent.

  4. stilesroasters

    Biggest issue with LAX these days is the light rail construction making the drop off an absolute circus.

  5. Solar

    In my opinion the reason for so many Canadian International airports on the list is actually the USA government.

    Due to the agreements between the two countries, when flying out of Canada for US bound flights, you go through US customs before boarding the plane in Canada, which in my experience is the absolute slowest and most up to chance part of the process.

    For Canadians and Americans the process is pretty straightforward, but for anyone else it is a hassle due to the usually poor (ie aggressive) attitude of the US agents towards non-Americans and non-Canadians.

    About a month ago I flew out of the Calgary airport and as my family was going through the check-up I could hear and see the agent next to ours. He was tending to an older man who was a Canadian permanent resident, but wasn't a citizen.

    When he saw his documents (he apparently had everything in order), he started berating him about why wasn't he a citizen yet, with the old man just give him a befuddled "I don't know". He then asked him what he did in Canada and said he owned a business and the agent then started asking for documentation about his business in Canada (all of this after already checking all his travel documents). We started moving on at this point so I couldn't hear what was said next, but our entire family and the next man after us went through customs in the same this one was still stuck there.

    If a flight has a relatively large proportion of people like that man getting delayed at customs for what at least to me seems an overly capricious agent, the flight will wait for them.

    So Canadian airports have to take US immigration processes into account for their flights, even though that is a process completely out of their control.

    One clear way to see this effect would be by comparing the numbers from international flights to the US (which are the vast majority of international flights) vs to everywhere else (where customs happens at landing, and thus not impacting the arrival time), but these type of reports always conflate the two.

    1. jte21

      I've been in and out of Canada a number of times over the years (though not since Covid) and can confirm about US CBP officers always being real dicks for no reason. Back then, though, it didn't cause any major delays that I can recall. Ireland has this system as well where you go through US customs in Dublin before boarding a US flight. I've only done it once or twice a couple of years ago, but in any case, I don't see it causing major problems for them. I think the problems at Pierson are with Air Canada and the airport management.

  6. Bob Cline

    This supports my feeling that the Atlanta airport is fairly well run despite being almost universally hated.

  7. JonF311

    I've used BWI for the last fourteen years and I've never found it a bad airport. Unlike the zoos known as Atlanta Hartsfield, Newark and DFW.

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