Here are all of the standard economic indicators that affect people in their daily lives. They look pretty solid!
Growth rates are all annualized.
NOTE: Will everything stay this sunny? I'm a recession hawk myself, so I doubt it. We'll know in about six months.
Yeah, Dr. Paul Krugman had a whole article about that: how nearly all economic indicators are looking up, but people are convinced the US is in a recessionary death spiral.
Just the Republicans working the refs (that is, the "news" media) again, to prepare for 2024.
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YOY though prices are way up, hence the gloom people feel in their daily lives. No raise for me yet my heating and electric bills are 30-40% up over last year despite the warm weather. Food is up a lot.
Where do you live? Electric, oil or gas heat?
Mine not up nearly that much. Gas up, Electric down quite a bit. Live in NY
NE. Oil heat. Just yesterday my business got a quote for some equipment we also purchased last year. This year's price is 35% higher. We're also having to raise wages in order to hire anybody, but management gets nothing.
Well apparently I am wrong. Turns out LIPA changed their billing to balanced billing. So I will no doubt get banged out when I move back to normal billing. Sorry for the misinformation