Good news! Remember all those Republicans who said their personal finances got worse as soon as Joe Biden was elected? They're suddenly all better:
In just the past two weeks, the share of Republicans who say their personal finances are worse than a year ago has plummeted by 14 percentage points. Apparently our long national nightmare of strong growth and low unemployment is finally over.
Maybe that's the faction that has their entire portfolio allocated to Bitcoin.
No, it's all in Trump Media. They just can't recognize that it's plunging.
Give them time! Republicans in Congress are just learning how to count to 100. Trump, sadly, has forgotten how.
I assume the improvement in 2022 was following the mid term election?
We all live in the FoxNews/NYTimes 24/7 political drama. Bad scripting and silly plot twists, but it keeps the people angry , entertained and tuned in.
It’s an excellent question, given those were similar magnitude changes. My Mk I eyeballs see one in 2922 rather before the midterms though.
I'm sure that this will be even more extreme once he's inaugurated. Proving that a lot of poll questions these days are useless.
This is why trying to figure out what went wrong for Kamala is a waste of time.
Ah, the power of the Orange one. Just wait and see what happens when he takes office!
While I'm sure partisanship had a hand in their responses, I'm also not convinced that it wasn't also *actually* true for many of them.
I can't help but notice that you left inflation off the chart, but the ascent looks to line up pretty nicely even if there's a little left or right shift to it.
If this were truly just about partisanship, there would've been a huge spike rather than a gradual climb. As I said, I'm sure that's part of it, but it would look a whole lot more like the right track/wrong track peaks and valleys if it were JUST about partisanship.
Thank you President Biden!