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Ron DeSantis doesn’t own a Bible

When Ron DeSantis was a week away from being sworn in as governor of Florida, aides asked him what Bible he wanted to use for the ceremony:

DeSantis, who is Catholic, told them his family did not own a Bible.... Staff members for DeSantis had to buy a Bible for $21.74 on Amazon and have it shipped to the Republican Party of Florida headquarters less than a week before his inauguration, according to a receipt of the transaction shared with NBC News.

DeSantis doesn't own any Bibles? Hell, I'm an atheist and I own a couple.

Also: They had to buy one on Amazon? They couldn't just pop into a local store?

And one more thing: It turns out that they ended up buying a King James Bible. Really? None of them was savvy enough about religious stuff to realize they shouldn't get a Protestant Bible? But then again, apparently DeSantis didn't care, so no harm done.

Republicans sure are weird. The whole party is built around performative Christian faith, but look at their top three presidential candidates. Donald Trump is allegedly something or other¹ but obviously couldn't care less about religion. DeSantis is Catholic but only barely. And Nikki Haley converted to Methodism in her twenties for political convenience. Not a single one of them has a Christian faith deeper than a fingernail.

¹Presbyterian, for what it's worth. Which is not much at all.

119 thoughts on “Ron DeSantis doesn’t own a Bible

  1. gs

    Why would anyone be surprised that deSantimonious would not have a bible? Being a nominal "christian" is absolutely required if you're going to hang with the Rs in any sense at all, but going to church, reading the bible, emulating jesus, acting charitably, obeying the Golden Rule, etc etc are not required at all.

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  3. kenalovell

    I expect the DeSantis family Bibles are so worn from constant use, he was reluctant to take them out of the house for fear pages would blow away in the wind. The bit about him not owning one was no doubt a lie spread by Chris Christie; it's just the sort of thing he would do.

  4. spatrick

    Not a single one of them has a Christian faith deeper than a fingernail.

    Which is perfect for a political party that's the same way. Talk about representation!

    1. Cycledoc

      Which makes him the ideal republican candidate. He can say he didn’t want to favor any particular Christian or Jewish group. He favors all of them and therefore couldn’t pick between the myriad bibles for one to personally own. He like his alter-ego Trump just float on the various hot air bible currents generated by ranting evangelicals et al, both being the ultimate lightweights.

  5. pjcamp1905

    "Not a single one of them has a Christian faith deeper than a fingernail."

    Which matches their constituents so it's all good.

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