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The Pentagon has finally figured out missile defense

24 thoughts on “The Pentagon has finally figured out missile defense

  1. golack

    Marian works for the Defense Department and is really training Charlie in missile defense....
    Once that growth ray is perfected, there no stopping them!

  2. Justin

    The US military wants to kill your cat. They are evil.

    U.S. Special Operations forces carried out what the Pentagon called a “successful” counterterrorism mission in northwest Syria early Thursday. The risky commando assault targeted someone believed to be a Qaeda leader, but rescue workers said women and children were among at least 13 people killed during the raid.

    More dead children. No big deal. What a bunch of cowards. If we can assassinate the "leader" and some kids, why can't we kill Republicans? Which is the greater threat?

    1. Atticus

      We didn't kill them. The ISIS guy detonated a bomb and killed them. A final act of cowardice and murder.

      We actually decided to not use an air strike because of the increased chance of collateral damage. Instead we put our troops at risk and conducted the raid. In the history of the world no military force has done as much as the US to avoid civilian deaths.

  3. Steve_OH

    As always, the countermeasures are simpler and cheaper: Russia will be launching a constellation of satellites, each equipped with a powerful laser pointer. You know how it will turn out.

    1. Ken Rhodes

      America will hack the satellite software, so all the laser pointers will be aimed at the incoming threat.

      (This is under the assumption that we have hackers just as good as their hackers, but we don't publicize that fact.)

  4. KawSunflower

    Sure, the Pentagon always proper British spelling & the BBC logo on its slides - but did they really have the nerve to kidnap Charlie?

    1. KenSchulz

      Yep, gotta be the MoD of Blighty, but how was the Beeb involved?
      And who will bid on the subcontract to clean out the giant litter boxes?

  5. Salamander

    This would probably work better than the systems they've already wasted hundreds of billions on. Moreover, we'd be safe from Godzilla attacks, too.

  6. pack43cress

    We'll need many many many giant cats. And we'll have to round up all of the giant mice and birds so that the giant cats don't get distracted. The cat nap problem will require further R&D.

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