Big news tomorrow! Donald Trump will finally be able to sell stock in his social media company—as long as the shares stay above $12. It's a close call, but it looks like he'll make it:
DJT is now selling below its January price, so everybody who bought in after the Iowa primary surge is already a loser. Trump's fans—who are the ones propping up the price—seem to be losing faith daily in his chances of winning the election, and at their current rate of dejection the stock should be down to $3 by next month.
In any case, Trump's holdings in DJT are now worth only $1.8 billion and falling fast. He says he doesn't plan to sell, and it's certainly true that the stock price would plummet even faster if he did. On the other hand, if he waits he could end up with nothing. It's a tough decision. No wonder he seems like a nervous wreck these days.
Watch out for the dead cat bounce if DJT doesn't sell DJT tomorrow.
Trump ate both marshmallows before the tester could even finish the question.
Heh. I just heard a very interesting thought deconstructing that experiment a few days ago: that the experimentors did not account for the econo-social status of the children. Kids from lower economic status (read variable nutrition at home) and unstable social structures (read shaky familial ties or inability to keep promises) "knew" that an authority figure was suspect and "knew" that they could possibly lose that first marshmallow as time progressed.
TL;DR: it's better to eat now than not at all.
(a bird in the hand...)
So let's see, on the one hand, he doesn't sell and the price continues to erode, which means he not only continues to lose value but he might not be able to sell at all at a certain point.
On the other hand, he makes money NOW that didn't cost him a dime, and maybe some of his followers are surprised that he left them holding the bag, but most of them ultimately agree that it was the SMART thing to do that they would have done themselves and that's what makes him a LEADER something something, and the fact that they've just lost a lot of money is ... uh ... PROOF that they were RIGHT ALL ALONG!!
His Good
GermanRepublican followers are reprehensible, but we can't forget how many of his followers are just DAMN DUMB.My money (were I foolish enough to have any at stake) would be on him selling as much and as quickly as possible, perhaps modified slightly per some strategy that some sleazebag who has his ear right now has managed to get into his addled head.
Well, it's a difficult decision.
1) He said he wouldn't sell which raised the price but the SEC said, making that statement might violate the law presumably because it acted to raise the price.
2) It's to his short term financial advantage to sell. He might finally actually be a billionaire.
So what do you say?
1) Trump tells the truth
2) He pulls off the biggest grift of his life.
IANAL, but it seems to me if he starts selling anything significant now, after he promised he wouldn't, that could set up accusations of a pump-and-dump scheme. Wouldn't surprise me, though.
I hear his NFTs and gold sneakers are still flying high, though, so there's always those...
Let him sell. Then bring on the lawsuits!
The Supreme Court conservatives will pull something out of their asses to nullify any charges.
I'm not so sure on this hypothetical. I think their actual billionaire friends have too much interest in the stock market having rules that protect that perpetual wealth engine for them. Part of what that wealth engine relies upon is rules like these.
But not this particular rule, as it is most likely to be violated by officers, directors or large shareholders.
Or if he gets elected, he can just direct the SEC not to investigate him or the AG not to prosecute him. I would be amazed if he doesn't sell it all.
Nobody's gonna buy if he starts selling, so he can't sell without cratering the price.
I'm thinking of Kevin Spacey in Margin Call having it out with the CEO played by Jeremy Irons: "You are aware our business is buying *and* selling. If you do this, you will *kill* the market!"
Assumes he cares about the market - dude is old, smart move is to sell and get out of town before the peasants with pitchforks arrive and camp out at a nice Caribbean resort for the remainder of his days with daily massages and a bevy of young hotties serving him.
Foreign governments or their agents.
Average trading volume is up to about 9 million/day this week. Trump holds more than 100 million shares. If he starts dumping even 1 million shares per day he'll tank the stock. I don't see how he can even get $50M out of it. Short sellers are holding 13 million shares and stand to make a killing.
He wouldn't short his own stock.
He can do the functional equivalent by using the stock as collateral for a loan, all he needs is someone who will accept it at something near the current inflated price. I’m sure there’s someone who wants to curry favor with TFG, and will take the risk that the stock continues to decline.
Current price?
Oh, no. On his financials, he'll inflate the heck out of it.
So at today’s close on the 19th the price was down to $14.70 and volume was up at ~13M compared to an average of 8.97M. So maybe he sold 5M shares. Another 19 trading days and he’ll unload all 100M shares. I wonder who in the world is buying?
Note that this is the day after the Feds cut the interest rate by 50 basis points and virtually every other stock was up a lot.
Is Elon dumb enough?
I think maybe he isn't.
I dont think he can afford a purchase worse than Twitter. Though I'm sure the are some people looking to garner influence who will gladly pay Trump for his worthless stock.
Money losers. Of course anyone buying DJT would arguably be a loser well before purchasing the stock…
The board could always change the terms, but who's going to spend money on a loser?
If he feels the stock will fall below $12 I don't think he'll hesitate to sell. He rarely thinks of consequences. He'll grab whatever he can. As for his supporters who invested in his grift, I say you got exactly what you deserved.
Remind me again what this so-called company even does?
It is going to make Trump money. It'll make everyone else a bit poorer or very poorer depending on how much stock they bought. Oh and according to Devin Nunes, they're going to have a streaming service. To stream steaming piles of shitty content.
It loses millions of dollars a year.
I hpoe he sells. The looks of betrayal on the faces of his cult will be epic. It serves them right.
If he sells then 99% of the cult will believe some really stupid excuses for why the stock that some of them own and paid $75 a share for is now worth 1¢. Some kind of conspiracy by the moneyed big city elites etc. More evidence of the Deep State conspiring against him - and them. And a bunch of other stuff I can't imagine.
But I think he will sell when he is sure he's going to lose, since he's going to lose anyway and if he doesn't sell at that point the stock will be worth 1¢ the day after the election anyway. Accompanied by more hard to imagine excuses about how he's the Biggest Victim as usual.
DJT (the company) has more than 300 million $ in cash and cash equivalent (from the initial sales of DWAC shares), which makes each share around 1.77$. That is the floor for it at the moment.
If he sells, won’t someone have to buy? The Saudis have lots of money to give away.
So does the RNC.
One of the ironies of TruthSocial is that the more popular it gets, the more the company has to spend on servers and data. Now, that should be offset by higher ad revenue, but it's not like they're attracting major brands. Nope, they're stuck with low revenue scammy shit. It can't make a profit no matter how hard it tries.
Now, imagine if hackers populate TruthSocial with bots and fake account with the intention to maximize traffic in order to raise TruthSocial's operating costs. Oof.
"...they're stuck with low revenue scammy shit...". Like My Pillow ads? If Mike Lindel can even afford to advertise on Truth Social.
I don't understand why his stupid pillow company wasn't bankrupt a long time ago other than the 1000% profit it used to make.
Does anyone happen to know how much, if anything, Trump has invested in this particular scam?
Or was all of this stock just given to him. Making everything gravy.
Just from a quick glance it makes Truth Social and the subsequent merger look like an even bigger scam than I thought.
so trump put in nothing?
but he stands to gain possible billions?
someone explain how that's legal. doesn't someone even have to pay a gift tax or something?
I expect the price will go up tomorrow (or within the next week or two) as the RNC begins buying up shares.
Because that's where GOP contributions to the party are going to go.
I checked this out a while ago -- there are no rules against it.
He has to sell. it's going to zero before the end of the year. It's not making any money, and it's losing millions every day. Literally.
The stock is going to zero just based on it's fundamentals. The Saudis and Russians won't keep propping it up and just throwing money away hoping Trump get elected and will be appreciative. It's below $15 now. There is zero upside other than rubes, or state actors, propping it up.
Yes, dropped below $15 while the Dow is up over 500 points.
Trump is going to sell as much as he can. At worst, the SEC will impose a token fine and even that will be portrayed by the GOP as "the deep state" going after poor, innocent, political opponents.
he says he doesn't plan to sell means: he will prop up the stock so he can sell. maybe the SEC will investigate, but it's never illegal if Trump does it, meaning they will dither on an investigation, and if they do, trump will delay it and if he wins nothing will happen anyway.
Halfway thru the market day and volume is already almost to its 9M daily average. Someone(s) is working hard to keep the price up around $15.
The bulls gave up after trying, very hard, for several hours to keep it above $15. Once it broke that barrier, which is only psychological, next stop is $10. Then $5.
There is nothing from a technical point of view to prop up the stock There are no support levels. It's going to zero.
I tried to short the stock, but my broker couldn't find anything to buy for me except at an exorbitant 140% of price....which as I think about it, maybe this wasn't that bad a deal but it was a crazy Wishes, Traveller
Over time, the number of shorts has grown.
I do hope Trump holds, sees DJT stock price continue to drop to the point where it is delisted, the company runs out of cash, can't find financing, is forced to declare bankruptcy, and finally pushed into dissolution and assets sold off.
And on that day, Nelson Muntz comes out from behind the wall, points to Trump and says, "Ha ha!"