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Trump isn’t going to prison

A quick word about sentencing. As we all know, judges take into account the totality of the circumstances when they hand down sentences. First time offender? Was anyone hurt? Are there mandatory minimums? Etc.

Conservatives often complain about this because it allows judges to be too lenient. But it's going to be on their side in the Trump case. There's very little chance the judge will send Trump to prison. The sentence is almost certain to be a fine plus probation, maybe, and possibly community service.

Personally, I'd love to see Trump get community service. Wouldn't that be awesome?

75 thoughts on “Trump isn’t going to prison

  1. azumbrunn

    Trump isn't going to prison on two conditions:
    1. He wins in November and gets the chance to quash the two federal cases.
    2. The Georgia case is abandoned for whatever reason.
    Every one of these three remaining cases results in prison time if a conviction occurs.

    But Kevin is right on this one: Community service would be awesome!

  2. Chondrite23

    Michael Cohen was remorseful and cooperated and got about three years for fewer counts. I can see Trump getting five years or so. Not remorseful. Not penitent. Berated the judge and the court system. Likely to repeat the crime. It’s not just Trump. The judge needs to make this a deterrent to the next guy out there considering this crime.

  3. OldFlyer

    A lot of legal hassle for him- Good pay back for Monica

    If GOP complains about the trial in a Dem friendly state, we should trade- We'll retry the case in a swing state, in exchange for Alito and Cannon recusing themselves.

  4. ProbStat

    Heard on the radio from a long-time prosecutor -- he worked with Leon Jaworski, it was repeatedly touted -- that jail time is likely just because two other people convicted in relation to the same crimes -- Michael Cohen and Allen Weisselberg -- both did time for their roles, I think 3 years for Cohen and a month for Weisselberg, although Weisselberg got another month for something not directly related, maybe withholding information contrary to a plea arrangement?

  5. pjcamp1905

    I've been saying that for months! I would pay good money for a pay per view event to see him in an orange jumpsuit picking up trash in the subway or mopping the floors in a homeless shelter. The campaign ads write themselves.

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