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Trump loses yet another legal case

More bad legal news for Donald Trump:

A London judge, who threw out the case against Orbis Business Intelligence last month saying it was “bound to fail,” ordered Trump to pay legal fees of 300,000 pounds ($382,000), according to court documents released Thursday.

Sure, $382,000 is peanuts compared to Trump's other legal judgments, but every little bit hurts.

Trump had sued Orbis over the infamous "Steele dossier," but his case was tossed after a single day of hearings, much like a related lawsuit failed in the US. That previous case cost him $1 million, so he's now up to $1.4 million in penalties for wasting court time on obviously flimsy Russiagate lawsuits.

10 thoughts on “Trump loses yet another legal case

  1. J. Frank Parnell

    It’s the same old strategy Donald learned from Roy Cohn: attack, attack, attack, deny, lie, all the time, everywhere you can. Works great when you are taking on individuals who lack deep pockets and the ability to fight back, not so well against organizations with deep pockets and good lawyers.

  2. kahner

    he also posted a 90+ million dollar bond for the carroll case today. but notably not the 400 million one for the NY Fraud case.

    1. lower-case

      carroll's lawyers need to take a hard look at exactly what the fine print says on that bond

      trump has 90 million reasons to be less than honest

  3. D_Ohrk_E1

    With all the legal fees, fines, and bills piling up, I have two questions:

    1) When does he declare bankruptcy?
    2) When does the RNC?

    1. Art Eclectic

      November 6th, if he loses. Never if he wins because he and the RNC will be able to milk the system for all it's worth. It's quite a gamble and desperation drives people to make stupid mistakes.

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