Trump uses Democrat Matt Damon's voice in post-indictment video
When I read this I thought it was yet another bit of AI fakery. But no. The Trumpies literally lifted a Matt Damon monologue from the movie Air and used it as narration for a campaign video.
I guess they figure that if you can steal top secret documents and claim it's legal, then stealing someone's voiceover is small potatoes. The chutzpah here is otherworldly. Republicans are going nuts with campaign video shams these days.
Republicans aren’t content just illegally using songs, now they are going for stealing movie clips as well?
Parody is fair use. Satire - like using the voiceover for an actual presidential advertising campaign - is probably covered.
Funny. But no.
It's not satire if they mean it.
‘Meaning it’ in real life for a fictional speech is arguably an act of parody.
Put it this way, if your first thought was ‘that’s ridiculous’, then they’re probably safe.
If I sang Wind Beneath My Wings you'd think that was ridiculous.
If someone took me singing that and put it over a serial killers' home movies you wouldn't think it was so funny.
I’m not suggesting the humour has to land, but my understanding is there is a fair use exemption in copyright law and, based on what I know now I’d say this qualifies.
As a form of commentary, but this is using someone else's work to create the false impression of their political endorsement.
Musicians have sent Trump cease and desist orders to stop him using their music and as far as I know he has complied with them, he just moves on to someone else's music, and this is the same thing.
Agreed - but Kevin’s complaint was ‘stealing’, I.e. copyright violation not misrepresentation.
Using someone else's work without permission to market your product probably is copyright violation.
Kevin's use of "stealing" is pretty plainly in the colloquial sense of "taking something and using it without authorization." Obviously, Trump did not magik away Damon's actual voice such that he's now mute or something.
But no, using somebody else's copyrighted material is *not* fair use on the theory that the use is funny or for a political ad. Parody is a *subset* of funny, and here would be like if SNL or something copied the monologue to make fun of Damon or the movie Air or something. This is just Trump using something without permission in lieu of paying for it.
Agreed with all point - but I still think it qualifies. I am less convinced than I was at the start of this conversation though!
SOP for Trump. Steal till you get caught (which in this case means getting a cease and desist letter), then move on to the next grift.
If they used the entire speech then there is almost no way that it is fair use. Parody/Satire is for derived works, not straight up using the work.
Republicans have a long history of stealing music, with neither the permission or payment to, the artists. Who, for the record, tend to be strongly opposed to the Republican candidate and its message. So, the former guy (the LOSER!) steals the whole Matt Damon.
Looks like a lawsuit would be appropriate. Also, LOCK HIM UP!
Copyright law requires you to defend your copyright. Typically this means sending a letter demanding the offender cease and desist in the use of the copyrighted material. Further legal action is unusual if the offender complies with the cease and desist, as damages from only a small number of uses of copyrighted material would not be that large, and the offender can cite compliance with the cease and desist as evidence of there was no intent to violate the copyright.
A few months ago Trump was using Bowie's Rebel, Rebel at his rallies.
Do they have any clue at all?
Kari Lake's entry song recently:
American woman, stay away from me
American woman, mama let me be
Don't come a hangin' around my door
I don't want to see your face no more
I got more important things to do
Than spend my time growin' old with you
Now woman, I said stay away
American woman, listen what I say
Any clue? No. Republicans think Springsteen's "Born in the USA" is a patriot celebration of being an American.
It is!
It is just celebratory of an underclass that the Republican Party wants to wish, if not actively put, out of existence.
Trump SOP: steal till someone complains, then move on to the next grift.
I mean Kari Lake directly and publicly threatened Biden and the Justice Department team and made a direct call for a massive armed revolution. And got a standing ovation from her crowd.
She doubled down on twitter when called out by one of the Parkland School shooting parents.
This is insane. How has she not been taken into custody for threatening the President and inciting sedition?
Repulsives have zero, zip, nada, when it comes to be creative. They all want to be a "t-Rump". Insane isn't it....
Look...more free press!!!
Own the LIBS!!!!
I have no special insight into the MAGA mind but these are unusual things to hear in a presidential campaign ad.
"You're gonna change the fucking world."
"A shoe is just a shoe, until somebody steps into it. Then it has meaning."
"We need you in these shoes not so that you have meaning in your life but that we have meaning in ours."
"Everyone here will be forgotten as soon as our time is up. Except for you."
gee, is it marching orders?
I've wondered before if somebody on his campaign staff is secretly there just to fuck around and undermine Trump, or if they really are this weird and incompetent. I assume it's the latter, but sometimes . . .
Like, remember when the Trump campaign released an ad with Trump as _Thanos_? Snapping the infinity gauntlet and turning a bunch of prominent Democrats (several of them Jewish, fwiw) into ash blowing away in the wind?
The tone-deafness (Trump = purple space Hitler is what they *wanted* people to think?) with these folks is bizarre.
Not an original bone in his sac of a body, even his evil is banal and trite.
At one point in the indictment one of the quoted text messages from an employee uses the phrase, quoting from memory, 'the beautiful mind paper boxes'.
Whatever does that mean?
Never saw that Beautiful Mind movie.
It is in fact a reference to 'A Beautiful Mind'. The movie depicts mathematician John Nash's descent into paranoid schizophrenia. His principle symptom is depicted as gathering newspaper clippings and articles and fashioning them into Glenn Beckian patterns on a corkboard, with strings and arrows depicting conspiratorial connections.
My guess is that the employee thinks Trump is a bit off his rocker.
"perfect phone call"
I'm guessing that when Roy Cohn was tutoring him in crookedness he listened in while Trump made a phone call to someone to insist on or ask for something without sounding technically like he was doing it and afterward Cohn told him it was a perfect phone call and that stuck in his mind forever after.
Look, this isn't a problem.
AIR prominently features Nike bossman Phil Knight, who is proudly on the Trump Train. I doubt PK minds his president borrowing from his story to further the restoration of American greatness
And where is Nike merchandise made?
I see you point, but Phil Knight is also personally the lead funder of Christina Drazen's Oregon insurgency while his company has Colin Kaepernick on a lifetime endorsement contract. He contains multitudes.
(This is also why I believe CK7 is a pure chaos agent, possibly turned by Russian Intel after some unseemly events in a Miami hotel room back in 2013 or 2014. The biracial adoptee raised in suburban Sacramento is not the second coming of Marcus Garvey, but the new Eugene Mc Carthy, skipping the "Democrat candidate for president" part. I guess that kind of makes CK Gridiron Tulsi Gabbard.)
I can't wait for the series of political videos from a secretive SuperPAC using Trump's face and voice explaining on TV that he did "it", and he'd do "it" all over again until he's imprisoned..."because when you're famous, they let you get away with it".
All's fair in love & war in the trump era - maybe someone following Jabberwocking can do it!
Well, it's an Amazon movie, let's see if the Trumpies want to take on that beast.
Simply a brazen theft of IP by that Orange shit head and his MAGA GOP party. I remember back just a few years when Republicans used to be the law and order folks.
They still tote those signs around in Virginia while promoting and justifying everything but. True believers but not actual practitioners, kind of like their religion.
A clear copyright infringement. Bezos should sue.