So much rain here in Southern California. So much.
But don't let that stop you from voting, you over-coddled snowflakes. As my mother used to say, a little water never hurt anyone.¹ SO GO VOTE.
¹Exceptions: wicked witches, people sleeping with the fishes, fake mermaids.
Ever it did.
I voted weeks ago, the day the absentee ballot arrived.
Kevin can edit, why can't I?
Just got back from voting. Hour in line midmorning. Lots of women in line. Of course every result will be challenged by the lovers.
Very heavy turnout according to the old blue hairs running the show
Nothing tells people you love them like taking them to court.
Love the new tablet. Hate that the arthritis is acting up.
I kind of liked the original post: lovers challenging results. (-:
A warm, sunny, beautiful day in central New Mexico! Perfect for voting. As of this weekend, only about 440,000 folks had exercised their franchise (out of about a million registered voters.)
Too bad the eclipse was (heh) eclipsed by heavy clouds, though. Let's hope it wasn't an omen.
If something frightening happens today, think about it.
Winston Zeddemore: Hey Ray. Do you remember something in the bible about the last days when the dead would rise from the grave?
Dr Ray Stantz: I remember Revelations 6:12...?And I looked, and he opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake. And the sun became as black as sack cloth, and the moon became as blood."
Winston Zeddemore: "And the seas boiled and the skies fell."
Dr Ray Stantz: Judgement day.
Winston Zeddemore: Judgement day.
Voted a few hours ago. We actually had a line and it appears to be a heavy turnout. I contributed again this year (as in the last 3 cycles) and voted in all elections and primaries. I did what I can do.
When I hear of people having difficulties obtaining reproductive health care, I have just 2 questions: (1) Did you vote in 2022? and if you did, (2) did you vote for right wing extremists forced birthers (basically any Republican)? If answered no to the first question and yes to the second question, I really don't have any sympathy for your plight.
¹Exceptions: wicked witches, people sleeping with the fishes, fake mermaids.
Exceptions, continued: Gingerbread men, snowmen, knuckleball pitchers, agility contest dog handlers, cornerbacks, ...
And dogs. Don't forget dogs. Rain means thunder and thunder is scary and suddenly I have three dogs in the bed with me.
Did that three weeks ago.