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Welcome to my new blog. After four years at the Washington Monthly and 12 years at Mother Jones, I've decided to go full circle and return to blogging at my own site. This gives me a little more freedom to post when I want and a little more freedom to say what I want without worrying about how it might reflect on others.

Aside from that, things will be pretty much the same as always. I mostly blog about policy—I call it "policy lite"—but also about anything else that catches my eye. As always, there are lots of charts and, every Friday, plenty of cats. So settle in and enjoy.

196 thoughts on “Welcome!

    1. MontyTheClipArtMongoose


      Always appreciate that Kevin Drum has never been so shrinking a violent as Steve Benen, Albert Burneko, or Jack Dorsey.

      To not getting banned!

  1. AK_Liberal

    Kevin, you introduced me to the blogosphere. I followed you from Political Animal to Mother Jones. I'm happy to read your blog here. Be well.

  2. SDF

    Congrats on the new blog site. Have been a fan since Calpundit days and look forward to many more years of reading your posts (and charts)

  3. Timothy Robinson

    I've followed you from Washington Monthly to Mother Jones and now to here so you seem to be stuck with me. I hope to keep reading your thoughts for many years to come.

  4. Prof.Higgins

    Boundless appreciation for your new endeavor, Mr Drum. Long may you blog! Just one suggestion: please take note why New Zealand and Australia's Covid-19 cases and deaths per capita are exceptionally low (due to state governments in collaboration with Federal government). Hopefully, the roll out of their vaccination programs will be as effective.

  5. CDfromPAinCA

    Like others here I followed you from Calpundit to Mother Jones, though I am finding it hard to believe it's been 12 years.
    Question: how is the departure from Mother Jones affecting your health insurance?

  6. pjcamp

    Now that you don't have style editors hanging over you all the time, can you do us a solid and make charts readable? MJ frequently had type too microscopic to see. Embiggening is always an option.

  7. Ken Rhodes

    Another suggestion for convenience in using the Comments feature:

    It would be helpful to have an option to sort the Comments chronologically according to one's preference for order--first-to-last or last-to-first.

  8. godsdog

    "Twas brillig and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
    All mimsey were the borogroves and the mome raths outgrabe.

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