Two weeks to go.
There aren't a lot of undecided voters left at this point, but there are some—and they might end up being decisive if they can be turned against Donald Trump. So I keep wondering: What could we tell them about Trump that they don't already know?
In other words, forget about the fascism, the lying, the racism, and the bizarre rally speeches. They probably already know all that stuff and it hasn't done the trick. So what's left?
One more point: Trump only hires people who "look like they come from central casting". Those of us who do not look like we come from central casting, or who no longer look like we come from central casting, yet believe ourselves to be not terrible at our jobs, might lose out during a Trump presidency.
Even if you *do* look like you come from central casting, you still might be uneasy about Trump making hiring and policy decisions , and you also might be uneasy about how a Trump presidency might undermine your character and work ethic.
Someone in the media should ask Trump if plans on pardoning Derek Chauvin. I'd think you'd get very interesting answer and some incredible fallout
Why don't we say he caused the McDonalds e. coli outbreak. Low information voters are likely to believe this because we've have two McDonalds news stories in close proximity. The GOP would be all over this if it was Harris who visited a McDonalds.
Why has the price of McDonalds skyrocketed? Because they know Trump can afford it.
America's enemies universally support Donald Trump for president because they know that he is stupid, weak, and cheaply bought. Don't side with America's enemies.
Honestly, this has been obviously true in all three of his elections, and I just don't understand why it isn't persuasive.
Tough one. Some love the racism, others love the mythological Trump that the media has worked hard to create over the last 2 decades....cant really turn either of those around in 2 weeks.
I guess the media has to decide to describe him as a confused, old, frail man who rapes women in literally every article and segment. These basic facts get glossed over in 90% (95%?) of the coverage.
Elderly rapist is a bad label with most voters, even the nazis arent big fans. Trump has managed to avoid this label because the media has decided to gloss over it....but they don't have to.
I think the only thing that might have a chance is someone leaking a recording of Trump privately trashing his own constituency. Whether the recording is genuine or a fake won't matter that much. But if TFG is heard saying that his MAGA fans are a bunch of suckers or worse, maybe that will reach them.
We have him on tape bragging about grabbing genitals.
And white women voted for him.
Its hard to remember, but this got very little media play. The media moved on very quickly from this scandal and pivoted to Hilary's emails 24/7.
Even some women of color voted for him I think
After all this time, I do not think anyone who supports Donald Trump thinks he's a descent man, in the way old-school Republicans would defined descent.
They just don't care. They see he's uncivil, and they don't care.
In my local paper, over and over, I'm not seeing, "I know he's not so great, but I don't care." They know he's a gangster, and they love it.
I’m genuinely curious whether having George W Bush and Mitt Romney denounce him and start touring red districts to urge the election of Kamala Harris would make a difference.
It probably will have some effect, though small.
Some Republicans vote for Trump, or not vote for Harris, because they feel obliged to stay loyal to the party. If a previous leader of the party tells them otherwise, at least for some of them it will change the way they feel about it.
Dave Bautista?
Anyway, handy for that crazy cousin who thinks Trump is Macho Man.
Nothing more to be said. Trump's galaxy of horrible has been visible to all for years. Every new "revelation" is old news in a new form. The fact that nearly half of the American electorate are ok with it shows we are on the brink ruin. If this election doesn't finish us off, the next one will.
Thank god it's cocktail hour!
If you forget about the fascism, lying, racism, bizarre speeches, misogynism, divisiveness, and crimes, then your what's left is a relatively normal post-nixon republican. Yes, Reagan and the Two Bushes were bad, but they weren't the totally bat-shit crazy kind of bad that should disqualify a person from elective office. It's understandable why Republicans would vote for a relatively normal Republican. It's completely incomprehensible why someone would vote for Trump.
Too late. The Dems blew it. First by pretending Joe was all good. Then by buying the "truism" that the party could not possibly bypass a woman of color. Then by taking a nail file to a knife fight. Choosing a Veep because he was clever and vicious enough to call the MAGAs "goofy".
God help us all.
You know who is to blame for Trumps steady support of 40-45% of Americans? This support has remained steady over 3 election cycles against 3 very different candidates... and it is all the fault of THE DEMOCRATS!
Brilliant analysis.
My team keeps losing. They draft crap players. They want to pretend that there is no physical contact in this game. They wish their opponents would play nicer.
We are only losing because of that other team!
If they only played by the rules of the Dartmouth pillow fencing team.
I am confident we could stop losing if only the other side stopped winning.
I wish they just gave up when we called them weird.
I am so happy we did not stoop to actually fighting.
We can't hurt anyone's feelings right?
I think Kamala should hit him harder on policy -- AFAIK his only legislative proposal is to cut taxes for rich people, he doesn't support increasing the federal minimum wage, he's going to roll back all the investments in EVs and renewables, and he's going to hire crazy people who will help make it harder to get abortion pills.
And even on the character side, I think it' s possible to say some slightly new things -- he's going to do some things that are so wacky and corrupt that his presidency will be dominated by impeachments and scandal and protest, and by his inevitable over-reactions to these events. It happened before, it will happen again.