Here are some remarkable new survey findings from a pair of researchers about antisemitism in the United States. Their methodology was pretty simple: they asked people about overt antisemitic attitudes and tallied up the results.
This has always been a problematic methodology for surveying anti-Black attitudes because the questions on existing surveys have always been a little vague and hard to draw firm conclusions from. This new study solves that problem by just outright asking things like "Do Jews have too much power?" There's not much wiggle room there. Here are the results:
In every case, antisemitism rises modestly as political views become more conservative, but then skyrockets at the extreme end of conservatism. Much of this appears to be driven by age and education: highly conservative young people are about 20 points more antisemitic than older people and highly conservative college grads are about 30 points more antisemitic than highly conservative non-grads.
In addition, highly conservative Latinx respondents are massively more antisemitic than Black or white respondents. This is mysterious, though I suspect the sample size for this group is pretty small.
The authors don't really hazard a guess about what drives these results. They just present them. And given that the survey instrument was a YouGov panel, it would be wise to wait and see if they can be replicated. But if this pans out, it means that conservatives have a real problem on their hands with their young college grads.
Is this all about conservative parents and media teaching their children to hate George Soros?
Lol just when you thought you'd seen it all ... college graduates are turning out to be Nazis!
Really, "conservatism" is a bottomless barrel, and they keep scraping so energetically...
Well, where do “highly conservative” people go to college? Just speculating, but this may show an increase in radicalization in conservative Christian colleges.
What I was thinking.
It seems to be illustrating, yet again, that conservative people are highly self-sequestered, which also suggests why they haven't seen a mass die-off from covid, they simply have so little interaction with everyone else, and what interaction they do have is so highly constrained, formalized and difficult.
Can't remember the name, psychologist specializing in authoritarianism, describes authoritarians as "relentless sociotropic boundary-maintainers."
I'd be willing to bet that, if some "conservative" family comes down with COVID, they're shunned by a large number of their former friends for some convenient theological reason of surprisingly recent manufacture.
If some "conservative" family comes down with COVID, they're shunned for falling for the old liberal COVID hoax. I remember reading about a red state doctor who had dying patients who adamantly maintained whatever was killing them couldn't be COVID. He was also threatened by families when he refused to change the "cause of death" on the death certificate.
American Christianity is particularly antisemitic-- certainly not on the Old World model. This is more likely to be the ugly but quite secular racist crap of the Alt Right.
The above should read: American Christianity is NOT particularly antisemitic
The above should read: "American Christianity is NOT particularly antisemitic"
Doubt this purely or even principally driven by conservative Christian colleges, those numbers are small and doubtful significant in impact.
So it turns out that conservatives are projecting yet again with the "liberal indoctrination" crap for universities? I mean, I'm aware that college (and/or education) overall does appear to make people more liberal, but that huge difference between non-students and 4-year grads for conservatives sure looks like proof that conservative college students are being indoctrinated into even more hateful ideologies.
It's the ultra-woke in their ivory tower toad holes who provide the exact foil they need so it's easy to imagine wingnuts in colleges intentionally provoking them to be still woker.
I don't understand how their own language doesn't clue them in.
" Anti-fascist bad! Woke Bad!"
So I guess, Fascist and Ignorant good, at least in their world?
I mean I'm sure some would argue that the semantics are wrong, but usually they don't even bother. They are proud and happy to be ignorant fascists.
Their nineteenth century predecessors were proud to be known as "Know Nothings".
To be fair, the name- while providing delight to generations of their opponents- came as a suggestion as to what to reply when asked about this so-called secret society.
it makes sense
Someone who is coming of age now and choosing to be a conservative is choosing it when the racism is overt, even 20 years ago it was still dog whistles and you could have a deniability about it
On the Latinx question, two thoughts:
1) do you have thoughts about the question of Latinx v. Latine v. traditional gender language? I feel like this is one of several areas where the activist minorities (and supporting white allies) and the average minority person on the street may differ.
2) I'm Latine (half south american parentage), and despite there being a jewish person in my latine family, I've definitely heard anti-semitic stereotypes used when she wasn't in the room. But from the older generation, not the younger. Of course, I've also seen anti-hispanic bias in older, higher-status hispanics.
I am used to the traditional language but Latine is fine. Latinx is an abomination. Latinx says "your native language is bad and you should feel bad. Also we don't respect your language enough to not impose English rules on it."
I wonder how much of the second is there just isn't a very big presence in non-coastal latino areas. I think it's undeniable that American Jews have dispraportionate power and influence to their population. I just don't think that's sinister or conspiratorial. Jews are not "in charge" nor doing detrimental things that arent also being done by non-jews and have nothing to do with being Jewish. But if you don't have a lot of exposure I xan see the prevalence of it in coastal media and entertainment could cause cultural alienation.
Absolutely agreed, Latinx is an Anglocentric barbarism that monolinguals Anglos who aren't fluent in gendered language impose in Anglo-centric cultural imposition.
Latine works, or just plain Latin.
English is a gendered language.
Barely, English only has rudimentary grammatical gender left. That's why you monolinguals get so confused by other languages with significant grammatical gender and draw goofy conclusions.
I'm not disagreeing with the comment, but do let's remember that later generation Hispanic people are often monolingual English speakers too, just as later generation Italian-Americans or German-Americans.
Latinx is an Emglish word, so who'se "native language" are you talking about?
> I think it's undeniable that American Jews have dispraportionate power and influence to their population.
Like, as a group? That is in fact sinister and conspiratorial.
LatinX is an Anglo Lefty Egghead word pushed by Lefties on the Cultural Left.
It's hardly "an English word" - it's a neologism.
One that needs to be killed off.
How about "Latin"?
Perfectly scrumptious. Some eggheads will pretend that it could cause confusion with the ancient Latins but really that's arch egghead crap.
I still wish Latin@ would have caught on.
This test is easy to pass: If you know the key phrases that give you away (i.e. all three test questions) you can avoid being labeled. Even believing anti-Semites do not want to be labeled as such.
Latinos appear to be less knowledgeable about those things and fall into the trap in larger numbers.
I don't think they see it as a problem, though.
It seems to me that it's more of a problem for Jews than for conservatives.
I have both white evangelicals and Latino Catholic relatives and I have never heard my quite conservative evanglical aunts or uncles and cousins say anything remotely antisemitic, but I have to say I have occasionally heard folks on the Latino side say some eyebrow-raising things about Jews (mostly along the lines of being money-grubbing, or behind all the big banks, etc.). I dont' know if that's coming from some cultural background or the Catholicism -- suspect a little of both. I wonder if the antisemitism among college-educated conservatives isn't picking up some super right-wing, anti-Vatican II Catholics in various places where, unfortunately, strains of that old medieval anti-Judaism still run strong. Can't imagine that there'd be enough of those to actually show up in a survey like this, though, so I'm still a bit perplexed.
For Latino communities I suppose one needs to see some geography, it seems likely that there's different ethnic community patterns - Central Americans versus Mexicans versus Cubans versus South American.... there's a lot of diversity hidden in what Anglos lump together as Latin
Evangelicals decided to become Zionists a few decades ago. Something about a conflagration in the Middle East needed for the Second Coming of Christ. But there is still the undercurrent of conspiracies involving Soros or the Rothschilds or...
Evangelicals believe the rise of Isreal is one of the necessary events described in Revelations before the end times can occur. Sure the Evangelicals as a group support Isreal, but they also long to see the final jusdgement when Jews will either recant and accept Christ or be cast into the pit of hell.
For God's sake don't use that Anglo barbarism "latinx"
If you want to be gender neutral, Latin works or hispanic
Why egghead Academic cultural imperialist monolingual Anglos have to invent ugly ass neologisms escapes me.
English is a constantly evolving language. Latinx is happening, might as well accept it.
Latinx is happening as a barbaric, ugly neologism chez ultra cultural Left Anglo academic and some white Anglo followers. It's an ugly, lumpy, stupid word typical of academics.
As a crappy neologism it certainly ain't already a done deal any us Latin sphere people can certainly throw up the objection so arch woke foolishness is not accepted blindly.
Completely agree.
This is very similar to the racial resentment stuff.
Yet, they rub elbow's with the "Jew" at a far greater frequency than non college conservatives.
Another study that is lol. Lets be clear, most of the "I am white" dog whistles in conservative politics have jewish ancestry. The Greene chick, Gosar, Gaetz just to name a few all have jewish ancestry(and Greene's annoying blond job that needs scrubbed out is lolz itself). Most college liberals I have found very anti-semitic as well, maybe its a college thing. The jews run money and thus control the money. Capitalism is gambling essentially which many college guys don't like. Capitalism exposes cult of the individual as well, which bleeds out into every day living.
Kosher Nationalism among conservatives is simply not going to work long term. Once debt liquidation begins and the US dollar collapses, the US will have poverty and famine that will make likely dissolvement of the states a done deal as state's bankrupt and people get even poorer. Socialists predicted this 200+ years ago. Much of Kosher Nationalism comes from jews over in Russia and Israel sic sic. Yet, conservatives systematically needs globalism. I mean, they simply have to have it. Without it, its debt deflation and anarchy time baby. The old left, would break a tear.........finally revolution.
"The Greene chick, Gosar, Gaetz just to name a few all have jewish ancestry"
This you know how?
Family history. Gaetz and Gosar fathers were lapsed Jews. Greene it goes further back, but the Green/Greene surname comes from Greenberg which came from Grunberg. It's a very old Anglo-Jewish name which has crossed over into European history.
No, the question is "this you know how" - as in not your dubious assertions, actual evidence.
Your Green family assertion is very much Just So Story as Green is a perfectly ordinary English name that does not in any way need to derive from a Jewish source.
So I guess we can write off your assertions as Just So Stories asserted for some strange reason.
And for reference, the Gaetz Father, Don ( has a childhood history of Lutheran schooling and further his grandpa in geneology sites shows up as Lutheran.
So... Just So Stories.
My wife, who is Taiwanese, smiles knowingly and says "Jewish" whenever Warren Buffet or Bill Gate appear on TV. When I protest they are not, she just looks at me and sighs, expressing her disappointment at marrying a non-Jewish white man who doesn't make any money.
What a fantasy world.
"Socialists" predicted this sometime before 1820?!?! Other than maybe Robert Owen, who said no such thing, who were these early 19th century socialists?
“But if this pans out, it means that conservatives have a real problem on their hands with their young college grads.”
It’s only a problem if conservatives care about not being antisemitic. I’d like to see evidence that the current crop of conservatives actually care one way or the other on this issue.
Maybe they don't know how much Adelson gave to their cause?
Meanwhile, Geraldo is sweating.
Aside from the financial control cliche, how many of these views relate to Jews, and how many to Isreali influence on US foreign policy?
I find a lot of polling today to be driven by a search for confirmation of a viewpoint.
Over the years, I've arrived at the point where I don't bother with attitude polling at all. Too often, it reveals more about the people behind the polls.
One of the definitions of anti-Semitism is The socialism of morons. I'm sure these young anti-Semites are adept in their chosen fields--business, science, tech--but have the cultural frame of reference of an average FoxNews viewer.
Remember William Shockley? Brilliant but dumb.